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What happened to the flame market
So what happened are flames worth less now? I'd like to say yes since what I'm mostly seeing is below 35k per flame on there so what happened? Not that long go I sold a few flames for full 512 doubt I'd get one of those offers today
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Originally Posted by Pimp View Post
So what happened are flames worth less now? I'd like to say yes since what I'm mostly seeing is below 35k per flame on there so what happened? Not that long go I sold a few flames for full 512 doubt I'd get one of those offers today

i think prices will continue to drop as time goes by and more flames are made..
anyway, some flames are just not worth that much.. can't expect someone to pay anywhere near forge price o:
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Originally Posted by ThePirateKing View Post
i think prices will continue to drop as time goes by and more flames are made..
anyway, some flames are just not worth that much.. can't expect someone to pay anywhere near forge price o:

This is true but why even globe flames that were usually selling for 50-60 now your lucky if you get 40 for it
“Aaah rum zum zum aaah rum zum zum booly booly booly booly booly rum zum zum”
Flames started out by being non-customized dual flames made only by a very very small group of people like Gman80. They were given for testing purposes to a very small group of staff like Macperfect. So at that point, a pair of dual void flames might have cost 300k.

When flame forging privileges were given to a dedicated "staff" group, the variety and uniqueness of flames went up, but so did their quantity. So outside of wing flames, prices dropped significantly.

When flame forging become something anyone had access to, you saw the steepest drop in price. It wasn't a vanity at all to own a flame. Nearly (if not all flames) don't even fetch for their forging price anymore. Whereas at least when the staff made a flame, they could ask for more than it's forge cost because only they could make them.

As time goes on, more and more flames are generated and flood the market. So it's inevitable that prices will continue to tank downward.
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when it started with hadouken and inferno flames they costed like 200k per each or more

but after the mass forging and with 3d items and hairs

they became less popular

altough u can still get 45-50ks for rare ones like GMan80 and more famous forgers
This isn't to say the flame market is doomed though; it's hard appraising flames in general and we can only reference them to others. They're forms of art and customization after all, it really depends on the buyers and what they're after.
It is a worth a bit less nowadays it used to be 200k and 35k per flame back in the days nowadays its worth less than 35 all the way to 20k and i think its bad to have it that way because the creator does not get payed that good for the flame.

but if its a bad looking flame than it could be for about 25k but good looking ones should be around 40 35k i think its a bit more fair for the creator of the flame.
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The flame market is lowering because the amount of flames there are now and sellers are taking less and less now instead of holding on to their flame with a steady price which being 35-40k