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Texturing Halp.
Could someone tell me what in the world is causing that white edge on this texture.


Attached Images
screenshot-23-07-09-29.bmp (2.64 MB, 59 views)
breast.jpg (109.6 KB, 54 views)
Theres a little point thats not filled with color, if you put the Template on it you should see that there needs to be color on that empty point. ... were looking on the Breast right now dont we?
Now my question is, did you actually try that? Or do you think I don't have a template right behind that pic that I used for reference.

But, just because my template might have been messed up I snagged a new one and overlayed it. Please do me a huge favor and point out the little spot missing color.

I can not seem to find it myself, even went so far as to overlap the lines.

Attached Images
Template overlay..jpg (104.9 KB, 47 views)
A) that spot is so small that I don't think it's noticeable and 2) Is there a reason why the one SIDE square is white? Because if it isn't, I would extend the teal square you've got on the other SIDE right up to the top of the image, since that portion above the SIDEs is unused in wrapping.

These Templates are not always 100% accurate, and wrapping can also do wierd things to an image, so you should always be safe rather than sorry, and make sure if possible that the places where the image folds are not near any sudden changes in colour.

Hope this helps
I believe this is an error with the game, similar errors have occurred on 3d objects before.

Try changing your graphics settings ingame and try have a friend with a different setup (eg if you have AMD gpu, get someone with nvidia) test the texture too.

I don't think the obj error has been hunted down, so if this can be demonstrated to be a similar problem, it could be interesting.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
That is the watermarked texture on the OP, try it out yourself and see if you get the same issue. It on the back right top corner of breast. Appears to be Outside edge.
I don't have tb installed :^) But I will lurk thread awaiting more data.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I believe this is an error with the game, similar errors have occurred on 3d objects before.

Try changing your graphics settings ingame and try have a friend with a different setup (eg if you have AMD gpu, get someone with nvidia) test the texture too.

I don't think the obj error has been hunted down, so if this can be demonstrated to be a similar problem, it could be interesting.

I didn't know this wasn't that common of a problem, ever since joining tb I've seen it and accepted it as normal, I have AMD.
I don't exist
textures don't map 100%
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