Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[Music] Led Zeppelin.
Okay, I'm 16 and I am in-love with this band.. My thoughts are, that they are the GREATEST band, to ever have existed, and always will be. Please, if you like them, tell me why, and your favorite song by them.
Proud Parrot
I'm 39 and I never get tired of led Zeppelin, all of their songs, every last one is great to me. I have a particular fondness for Black Dog

"Ramble on" has a killer epic drum solo. "The Lemon Song" is an old blues standard with lyrics that are bound to surprise you. How about "Immigrant Song" which should be the National Anthem for Iceland
Last edited by 1handclap; Dec 10, 2010 at 07:44 PM.
I love Black Dog, I'm really in love with Ramble On and Tangerine at the moment, and I'm only 16..
Proud Parrot
Music for all ages then, rock on my little bro.
In college my rugby team was the Black Dogs, we used to crank it up full volume before games.
Last edited by 1handclap; Dec 10, 2010 at 07:53 PM.
I'm going to shove something down your throat jonggi.

However, that's your opinion and everyone's entitled to their opinion.
Led Zeppelin are great. Actually, just the other day, I was perusing the almighty youtube and I happened to come across this.

^that better have worked, I can't be fucked fixing it.
fuck it, here's the god damn link:

Was waiting for a thread like this, actually Led Zeppelin changed my attitude towards music.
I wasn't very keen of music before but after listening to them i've discovered also Classic rock, Hard Rock and Blues and i've started listening bands like the Who, Cream, The jimy Hendrix experience.
Four years later i'm still not bored of listening the Good old Zep everyday, recently i've reconsidered
their latest works such as Presence and Physical Graffiti as well as Led Zeppelin I. And i can say i've never find a Zep's song i didn't like,
the whole Led zeppelin IV is a masterpiece, as the Second and the First one.
Even after Plant has lost some of his voice due to the operation they kept on making great music,
just like Achilles last Stand (that's one of my favourite songs).
Omitting great classic likes Stairway to Heaven, Immigrant song, Rock and Roll and so on i've been also listening to less famous songs
(Trampled Underfoot, Out on the tiles, Four Sticks) and they looked as great as the others.
Led zeppelin are and will always be the best band around.
Last edited by Pulse; Dec 11, 2010 at 06:56 PM.
Long gone
I liked them, because to me they were the innovators of modern punk/hard rock. Without them rock music couldn't have adavanced. My favorite song by them is The Ocean.