Original Post
video software
Hi all.
I would like to know what software I could use to make a video.I tried Pov-ray but I could only have 2 animations.
So if someone can help me.....
What is done out of love takes place beyond good and evil.

For dance-loving people, here's riverdance:
Windows Movie Maker, if you have Windows. It's free and comes with XP and Vista.
Sony Vegas if you're willing to pay quite a bit, or you could torrent it. I think Mac comes with a movie maker too... And Fraps is fine for taking the recordings.
Sony Vegas (preferably "pro"), or adobe premiere are your best bets. WMM is ok, but fails as soon as you try and do anything too interesting.

Also, take a look at adobe after effects. It combines well with either of the above programs.
Thanks, but I can't upload a replay with Windows Movie Maker, so what can I use else so I will be able to use WMM??
What is done out of love takes place beyond good and evil.

For dance-loving people, here's riverdance:
another (probably one of the best one's) is Final cut pro

its a great software but i cant imagine how much it is

My friends parents make movies and so they let me use theirs

it was awesome :P
Now with 100% less angst
to upload a replay... you cant, you have to record it with either fraps, or hyper cam. or another one like those
20/6/2008 [Triforce] → 1/12/2008 [UrbanUnit] → 26/4/2015 [Addicted]
Mówiem po polsku źle; fully qualified med student
Now that Madgecko mentioned Final Cut ( every emo's favorite program ? ) i remembered another one...Avid Express, pretty professional as well but kinda difficult to use and rather expensive.
<Alan> lol, rutz, it might be cool to smell your ass all the time you touch the mic
Rutzor and all others, if you could give me names of free softwares that would be nicer.
What is done out of love takes place beyond good and evil.

For dance-loving people, here's riverdance:

This is not a support question, please ask such question in General Art or Art next time.
don't unban, he has hard coded userid bypasses everywhere.