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B1ackcats permanent replay thread
Hello people's, girls and guys, zombies and hunters, and Lamar's and ponies
this is my PERMANENT replay thread, check this often for NEW replays
Now and rock out to my awesome kicks, split, a decaps!
Snap kick V2.rpl snap kick.rpl
Both of them looked a little slow, but for Snap kick, it was okay until after the decap, because it took a long time for the pose, maybe you should put on higher gravity - just a friendly suggestion c:.

As for Snap kick V2, again, the ending took a little long. Theres not much action in them, so it's not as interesting. But yet, I see potential in you, young grasshopper so keep em coming and try to spice em up a little bit .

--Coming from a guy who sucks ass at SP-- : D