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Flame browser help
Hey guys.
I have been looking through the flame browser for fun and I've seen two perfect flames, but is there a way I can just buy them from the browser because there is no way I can recreate it. Or is there another way?
I think those flames are just for show as to what you can create with the forge. as for recreating it, why would you want to? most of those flames are sold in the items section, particle flames. if you have the money to buy a premade flame, you should have enough to create your own. I'd recommend just experimenting with the forge and make your own personal flame, be original, instead of purchasing the same old boring flames.
Originally Posted by Sunny View Post
I think those flames are just for show as to what you can create with the forge. as for recreating it, why would you want to? most of those flames are sold in the items section, particle flames. if you have the money to buy a premade flame, you should have enough to create your own. I'd recommend just experimenting with the forge and make your own personal flame, be original, instead of purchasing the same old boring flames.

:3 I like you, your cool. So I shall be original!