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ps3 medals important as 360 achievments ?
I think this is the right place to put this question, so yeah, as the title says.

I know that the achievments is a big deal, very big, you can pretty much notice who's a real gamer wich play a big viarity of games while others just play from time to time.
Also a bit of a competition, the more achievments and more gamerscore the "better" are you, i like this, i like getting achievments, thats one of the reason why i can continue play crappy games to get those 50-100g achievments.

Now i was thinking, well... maybe its time for me to get a ps3 aswell.
But is it as fun? Do you look in others profile and watch how many medals they got ?
Is it important like the 360?
(When i say important i mean people in the "underground" zone and some in the "pro" zone.)

Would appreciate some answares and thoughts.

Sorry for the spelling aswell, im tired and im a swede...
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I, having a Sony PlayStation 3, think that trophies are mere gimmicks added. The only time trophies show skill is if they were hard to achieve as for playercard etc, level does not matter. Por ejemplo, I got the kill the general with a pistol in COD: 5, so that' s pretty cool but the levels gained from the trophy does not matter.
You get to see your gamerscore in the 360 more than the Playstation's trophies, so although they are both the same thing, the 360 affects people the most.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
I, at least, rarely check other people's trophies.

So yeah, going by what you said, achievements are more important to 360 users.
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True Story.
I don't think people check out the trophies as much asachievements
My brother and friends tell me trophies is not that really important and i don't think they are important either. I would say xbox360 achievements is more important.
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Originally Posted by madpen View Post
Trophies are as Important As Achievements there both useless (I'm a Level 9 PSN User)

How can you say that both are useless when its a pure fact that people compete against eachother getting as much gamerscore as possible to be classified a "real" gamer, or hardcore w/e.
And with your ("i'm a lvl 9 psn user") comment it has to mean something ?
You cant say it's useless then holding up a big sign where it says "lvl 9 psn user"
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert