Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Cheer me up, I'm broken
This is about how I feel.
I made this for her.

Weep weep,

but seriously, this is hard for me.
I really love her and now we're apart.
All because we were too close and we forced it.

She's stubborn and says she needs time on her own,
I know she needs me and I need her.

This is the first time I've felt this way about someone,
might be weird to ask it in a forum but hey, give a fella advice please.
Thanks bro's.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Already did that.
She keeps saying she needs time alone.

She also says she loves me and that the time we spent together were the best of her life.
I don't understand how she can love me and yet keep pushing me away.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
well sometimes its like that mate, give her some spacedont get nervous cause she wants a litle time alone,maybe she just got to much things on her mind or something, im sure it will all work out if u are truley having fun together and enjoying one of the other company.

It's just hard for me to be in uncertainty and insecurity.
Because I asked her how long she needed, she said she doesn't know.

More than a couple of weeks though..
Probably more than a month, as well.

Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.
Funny how the exact same thing happened to me in october of 2010.
She too was stubborn, said she needed time on her own, couldn't specify how much time she needed...

I never stopped talking to her and we were still pretty much best friends during the following two months, but she never gave me a definite answer. Eventually, too much time had passed and she felt like she couldn't give me an answer after making me wait so long, and without ever speaking about our relationship again.

But turns out that the fact that I was always there for her without making her feel pressured, made her realize she had been terribly stupid. It was just that she was too proud to admit that she had made a mistake, and didn't have the courage to tell me that she still loved me.
I ended up noticing it, we got back together on new year's eve and we're still together, even though I felt like shit for 2-3 months.

That's what happened with me and everything worked out fine, but every case is different so I doubt anyone could give you proper advice. Good luck :c

We're still kids in buses longing to be free.
Thanks bro.

But to be completely honest, this happened when we were dating too.
She broke up with her boyfriend for me, I ended up waiting a year.
We were dating and it was fun, but a year is long..

I gave her an ultimatum.
Me, or never see me again.
She chose the latter.
2 months later she sent me an email that she missed me etc etc.

As a final attempt I took her too the spot where she made this mistake,
in the hope that she wouldn't make it again.
She did. So seriously, why would she want to keep hurting me like that?
Is she so selfish?

I really love her, but this is a fucking stab in my heart.
I'm fucking lost.
Fr3styL . Improving by Improvising
I'm an artist.

Give her the time she needs.

It's not that she is stubborn..

This is probably her first time feeling like this about someone too but she is dealing with it differently then you are.
If you forced it upon each other then she wants some alone time
then let her! Maybe she wants to hang out with her friends/family. I'd call
her/visit her to discuss things through again and try a new point of view and
sure, call her/visit her (vise/versa to that) every so often but don't be glued into
each other. Everyone needs their space, it will come through. Good Luck!

EDIT: didnt see that this was OLDA :| invade removed...
Last edited by Craved; Nov 13, 2011 at 11:35 AM.
holla holla get dolla