Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Ethr] Rules

Rules Of Ethereal
Hello And Welcome To [Ethr]Ethereal
Rules of Ethereal

You will treat all members and allies as you, yourself would wish to be treated. Don't "flame" people, nor tell them that their posts are unwanted. Such an act is left to PM's.

Don't ruin the clan's reputation being a novice player to others. This means
don't scam members of Ethereal. If you under any circumstances are caught scamming or in the act of scamming anyone, you will be kicked.

Don't insult others upon loss. Always end a game with "gg".

Don't harass leaders, We do all the work around here. If you're upset about a demotion, decision, or a lack thereof, then don't be rude and send a PM.

Have fun most of all. That's what clans are about, being with friends and having fun.

Use tags for your threads. If it's about Ethr, then use [Ethr]. If it's a Discussion, use [Discussion]. This is to help keep the board tidy. If you don't use tags, then tags will be added.

Don't make Useless Threads! Make sure your thread has a clear point, and doesn't change from it. Threads with no point will be closed.

Allies: Make your posts meaningful. There's nothing I hate more than having to delete your posts because they're spam.(And stupid)

Any user that does not post or is not seen in-game within 7 days without telling LagSwitch or InfernoXZ will be moved to the inactive rank. If you remain in that rank for 2 days, then you will be kicked without warning.

Adding more soon.

Last edited by LagSwitch; Jul 2, 2013 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Inferno, you're a mess.
Proud Leader of [Ethereal]
Keep your ingame etiquette in check.
i.e If you're going to be an asshole do so with reason. Leg grabbing without proper reason is also looked down on.
I mean come on. If you're going to (god forbid) use a kick opener then don't get angry when someone grabs your leg. This also goes both ways.
Originally Posted by Isolations View Post
Keep your ingame etiquette in check.
i.e If you're going to be an asshole do so with reason. Leg grabbing without proper reason is also looked down on.
I mean come on. If you're going to (god forbid) use a kick opener then don't get angry when someone grabs your leg. This also goes both ways.

I normally leg grab when I think it'll snap.

Foot grabs are cheap, but I don't find it cheap if you snap the leg.

Best Laugh