Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
NEWB - The Official Clan for Beginners
( Founded 2/23/08 )
Clan Name: NEWB (Newly Enlisted Warriors Brigade)
Clan Tag: [NEWB]

After a long day of ripping Uke into little bite-sized pieces, I decided to take a break and go for a nice, relaxing walk... actually it was more of a stumbling and awkward leaping journey across the land of Toribash. I soon lost my bearings since there were no landmarks in the vast white terrain, so I figured I'd keep moving in one direction, hoping I'd find salvation.

Just when I thought it was Game-Over for me, I spotted a vague silhouette of a person standing with arms out-stretched off in the distance. Never in a million years would I have thought I'd be saved by Uke! I could barely keep my joints from relaxing as I crawled to him, and with a sigh of relief I emoted "Uke, I'm so happy to see you, I'm not even going to tear your arms off!".

As he turned around, I was instantly filled with terror at the sight of that ominous, evil, demonic face that gazed at me from above with doom-filled eyes. I began to mumble in fear, "You're not Uke!", and with that breath I saw a flash of motion as I felt the horrific pain of my head being severed from my limp body. Suddenly, I was looking down on this monster, my motionless corpse kneeling at his feet. With every ounce of energy I had left I asked "Who are you?", to which he replied "I'm a 10th Dan... the next time we cross paths you'd better bring an army!". With that being said, he dropped my head on my lifeless pile of limbs and walked away until he faded into the horizon.

With some quick thinking, I used what little energy I had left to rip my own hand off and use it to stick my head back onto my shoulders. With pure willpower I mustered the strength to pick myself up and began a new journey... to form that army!

NEWB is for players who are new to Toribash and looking to join a clan. Most of the official clans have a minimum Black Belt requirement to join. NEWB is a stepping stone clan designed to gather the new players and familiarize them with the inner workings of the game, such as the different fighting styles, techniques, strategies, mods, events, ranks, etc. Giving the beginners a place to get to know each other and practice with people at their own skill level is the best way to build interest and improve their Toribash skills. NEWB's goal is to grow and to make people feel welcome. There are those who try Toribash and, because it's too complicated, or they're being mangled by 7th Dan Black Belts, or for whatever reasons, they give up before they give the game a chance. NEWB stands for uniting, educating, and improving the Toribash community! And once NEWB members have reached Black Belt status themselves, they are up for Graduation and get put to the test!

Rules & Policies

Rules of Conduct: Play nice!
All members are entitled to, and are encouraged to voice, his/her own opinion... however...
Members will conduct themselves in a respectable manor
There will be no flaming/insulting of any other players in game or in public forums
Any complaints made about NEWB members will be investigated and dealt with accordingly by Clan Management
Inactivity will only be permitted if Clan Dues are paid (See Clan Dues section...)

2nd Chance Policy: Everyone deserves a second chance!
Members warned for misconduct will be on their 2nd chance
Recruits that have been removed from another clan for misconduct will be on their 2nd chance
Members who have left NEWB and wish to re-join will be on their 2nd chance
Members on their 2nd chance who are found to be in violation of the Rules of Conduct will be expelled

Clan Dues: A small price to pay!
There is a 50 tc application fee to be accepted into NEWB (which can be loaned from The NEWB Fund until you are able to repay the fee)
Loans must be re-paid by the time of your first monthly dues
Clan Dues are 10tc at the beginning of each month
Clan Dues go into the NEWB Fund
Clan Dues must be paid before the 7th (no exceptions, it's only 10tc!)

Donations: Spare some change?
Donations are accepted in the form of tc (any amount) & parts
All donations will go into the NEWB Fund
NEWB greatly appreciates any donations and will do what it can to show that appreciation
Sponsorship of [NEWB] is negotiable depending on the circumstances of the agreement

The NEWB Fund: A non-profit organization!
The NEWB fund is comprised of Clan Dues, Clan Profits, and any Donations received by the clan
The fund will be used to sponsor events hosted by the clan
Parts donated to the fund will be auctioned (in-house first, and publicly if no members bid) and the tc will be deposited into the fund

Graduation: YaAaY, it's your big day!
NEWB members who reach Black Belt will be up for Graduation!
Members who join as Brown Belts (almost Black Belt) may have to wait until 2nd Dan for their chance at Graduation
As NEWB does not recruit Black belts, Graduates will be the only Black belt or higher members of the clan
Exceptional Graduates who have contributed heavily and proven themselves to be an invaluable member of the clan will be considered for a Management position
Members who choose not to Graduate, will be asked to remove the [NEWB] tag and are encouraged to join another one of the Official clans that best suits their interests

Being Promoted: Congratulations!
Promotions will be given to those who are active and make a continuing effort to help the clan improve.
The Founder and Management will decide which members are deserving of a promotion when there are available positions.
NEWB Graduates are first in line for consideration, but that does not mean they are guaranteed the position
Positions in management will become available as members increase, so everyone try to recruit new, active players!

Leaving NEWB: Awww =(
If you decide to leave NEWB for any reason, please send me a PM or make a post so I can keep the Members list up to date! And if you decide later you'd like to rejoin, that's cool, we'll take ya back... just keep in mind the 2nd chance policy!
Last edited by GenX000; Apr 28, 2008 at 09:23 PM.
<3 Toribash!