Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Deciding our fate.
Alright everyone I need to have a serious talk with you all. I along with a few of you other members mega, zay, water have been in this glorious clan a year if not close to a year. During this past year i've really come into my own in this game and have come to respect and love as brothers, and it pains me deeply to see us in such a weakened state. We've been through many tough times and many good ones as well but now I am asking for action before we have to close these doors.

I hate seeing this place die every day it gets harder to see, so this is our deciding moment whether we sink or swim is dependent on all of us. I'm extremely proud of this clan and every single one of our accomplishments and I'd rather keep company with no one more than you all...if that were possible. Look at us now though we are only able to hold on because our allies post more than actual members, and that's not acceptable.

I'm holding a vote, when most or all of the originals. (myself, yaksha, mega, mocro, water, and zayex) have voted it will be decided., if we are to cling to life however we need to seriously pick it up we can't let this happen again. As a personal favor I ask that you leave behind a favorite memory of yours concerning the clan.
Last edited by AzureMage; Mar 5, 2013 at 06:53 AM.
If this clan dies, my visits to the forum will die with it.

I vote keep it alive, I'll do what I'm able to help.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Good one more yes and it will be decided. These cannot be empty votes or promises however we're at the bottom of the barrel here guys.
Our problem isn't recruiting if everyone posted regularly we would have enough activity to be fine we've been there before. You see what happens with our new members, they usually last 3 days, that's fine as long the originals are active we can make it. However that's what makes this time so different it's the originals that are leaving or going in active. I want this clan to live more than anything I do, but things need to change if another Resurrection is to work and right now we don't have a lot to build on. Mocro left, pretty much everyone shows up when they feel like it, sometimes we can only muster up one post per day and that isn't going to cut it.
i say stay open i know i havent been on much but i need to get some shit done. im getting kicked out soon so its been hard. but ill try to get on as much as possible! and even if i dont sya nothing i read everyday which helps me get through the day
"Whats with the steering wheel in your pants?" "ARGH! It's driving me nuts!" Phantom Co-Leader!
I will do what I can like I said, but I am having serious family, life, and mental health problems right now, and I'm over-encumbered with stress as it is. I will be as active as I can to save this clan, but I might have to give up the entire internet/my real social life right now, at least for a while. It's a long story and I hate it when my life is like a soap opera. Also yeah, I know my rep has hindered this clan in one way or another, I'm wondering if my leave would increase the overall popularity and potentially kickstart this clan. The last thing I'd want is to drag you guys down with me.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma