Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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[RSO] Learning Centre
Learning centre

This thread is designed for students to be able to contact teachers in order to improve on their style in sparring by simply asking them where problems are and how to deal with them/learn more.

This also includes questions about flow, originality and general concepts people need to/should grasp when sparring.

So go ahead, ask away.

this is not a place for free cnc, you may ask specific questions and use replays to give examples, but thats it. you want cnc on a replay, you can use the replay thread.
Last edited by Antleronio; Feb 25, 2014 at 06:39 PM.
Sold my dog to join RRO
ahh good idea
this could help out with those students that are never on when we are
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Hi teachers
Well for now I didn't have classes cause I didn't find out teachers.
I know it's my fault and I'll search more then, but I'm here because I've made a good progress alone. Still some of my kicks are not fluid as they could be, and I have problems twisting. I have some problems too with realism while I jump, never looks really realistic.
I'll post here a replay of my progress(i've made it alone today). It probrably shows almost everything. If there's more things(I know there is)for me to work on, plz tell me.
Thanks for attention and plz give me a tip or say when I can find a some of the teachers online, what time is most common for they to play.
Thx again,
Attached Files
.RSO Spar for progress.rpl (334.1 KB, 20 views)
well you seem to be very stiff, just relaxing soem joints doesnt make you realistic; you need to know what joints to relax in what order to make them realistic. also you need to work on your recoveries, Ive seen you in that spar just flop on the ground and spam random slaps at him. but for now it looks like your doing very well for somebody thats teaching themselves. find me man I'll help you out some
EDit: for antlerono ;o
Last edited by jclark; Jul 23, 2013 at 08:39 AM.
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
I would suggest attempting to rework the balance and flow before attempting to improve on anything else, a specific example of a problem with balance is after uke's run has finished. Your best bet with balance issues is messing around with foot/knee positions from what I've experienced, and using your hands can work in some cases (e.g. a spinning kick where you use your hand for extra momentum) but don't rely on them too much, as they can make a spar look messy.

I never really focus on being realistic, but more rather stylish. With jumps, from my own experience, experimenting with shoulder ankle and glute movements in specific positions can give you a shittonne of momentum to perform jumps and spins, which makes everything look more flashy, a perfect position for a jump was your tori early into the game, but jumping isn't exactly required in a spar.

As for flow, just try and make everything go together, personally, I look at most spars I do every few frames to see if everything's flowing together correctly, but I would also suggest looking how each joint follows through when relaxed and just go from there (There are some cases where you can kind of get away with sharp twists)

If you need me to explain more/give examples of your stuff or other people's stuff that I think flows well with images just ask.
Sold my dog to join RRO
Originally Posted by jclark View Post
well these are the things you need to work on
~dynamic attacks

Just going to say, this is a perfect example of what not to do on this thread.
I came here to laugh at you
hi ive been looking for a teacher in realistic sparring i have noticed mainly i havent been able to go with the the flow usally or do multiple kicks and i have problem with getting straight/jumping and im pretty good at running i just want to know how to make a spar realistic like the ones in the youtube videos heres a replay of one of my best spars
Attached Files
Shadow Vs Storm Spar.rpl (434.4 KB, 7 views)

Well now I'm working for a kind of stylish jump. Ya u know, Like jumping then do a twist in the air and back to a perfect balance and position. I sometimes can do it nucely but sometimes I also fail. If maybe someone can help me joints that would help my jump and twist effectively.
I may post replay of my progess when I come back to home.
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Sknock, you and whoever you were sparring need to work on your flow, movement, and realism. It seems as if your whole body is stiff when running and punching. there was also an unrealistic roll in there. Apply for RSO so we may be able to give you proper help.

17April hey buddy, it seems when i do my twists, i try to land in a lopsided horse stance, i don't know, i can't really explain it. It'll have to be show to you in game at some time. You just wont be able to achieve perfect balance or position when landing your twist, so your body will have to be tweaked a bit during/after the twist.

Hope this helped.