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[Solved] Won A Tourney But No TC
Today, (or just 1 minute ago) I won a Lenshu Tourney. When I won, I saw that they didn't give me the 750 tc they should of. Is there a glitch or something? This happened to me twice or 3 times now.
Shit happens... But It could just be that it hasn't gotten to your account yet. (I can think of a few other reasons as well) As for now don't worry about it. If it's something that continues to happen then I'd definitely try to confront someone about it. But you really shouldn't worry about that just yet.
Last edited by marcus; Nov 8, 2012 at 05:31 AM.
a maximum of 4 people is needed for tc to be given in a tournament, this is in case somebody rages or pings during the tournament after the 5 people are there. after 2 games are played tc is given out on the 3rd game, unless there is more poeple.