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How do I stay balanced?
Hello, I would like to ask how to stay balanced while running. I just fall over after about 4 steps. Thanks in advance. (I wasn't sure where to put this thread, so if this is the wrong place please move it.)
Tongues kill without drawing blood; just like a sharp dagger.
when he falls low,use ankles or hold a knee.when he leans,use lumbar,and if lumbar isn't enough,use chest too.
Hmm I'll try that.
Umm... Could you tell me how to use lumbar/chest? is it like if he leans left bend lumbar right? vice/versa?
Last edited by Triniax; Oct 6, 2012 at 07:45 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Tongues kill without drawing blood; just like a sharp dagger.
staying balanced at all is a bit hard. it needs some work and u cant get it in the first few try´s. view some replays and look how the people there do it.
but, do u mean a staying pose at the end. or balance at all (multiplayer, or while moves in singleplayer?).

If u mean a simply staying post at the end of a replay. is there a tutorial in the tutorial section (click.) i cant find it now, sorry :/

If u mean a good balance in multiplayer and your own singleplayer replays. then i would say .... practice! try to do a spar in multiplayer (needs much balance.) or make your repalys in -30 gravity. try to do just 1 frame steps (shift+space) then is it easier to control the tori and get him how he should stay.

at all : try to have one food before and behind your tori (the torso.) and the balance should come from the arms. try to relax the knee´s until they are in a good position in which u dont fall. if he falls to the left side. try to balance with the arms to the right side (dont make the move with the arms to fast. or u build to much momentum and then u fall to the right side.)

but the most important thing is ... practice practice practice!
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Well,if you turn lumbar he goes in the opposite direction of turn,it depends how you run though,if you can't do running just parkour dude,parkour.(Fucker lol)
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Originally Posted by jinmaster View Post
Well,if you turn lumbar he goes in the opposite direction of turn,it depends how you run though,if you can't do running just parkour dude,parkour.(Fucker lol)

Nice idea,but what was the last part?

Originally Posted by jinmaster View Post
(Fucker lol)

Had'nt done running before,good tips guys.
Last edited by 4kid; Oct 7, 2012 at 01:06 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Do multiple joint movements to try not to fall, but if you cant help it, flip over and land on your feet again
How do I land on my feet after I do a move (say, a punch?)

EDIT: I found a good tutorial here but it's written in such a way I can't understand everything.
a great way to learn balance is to something my teacher called Drunken fighter, teaches u very good blance with as few joint movements as possible. between every frame set in fights like aikod and running relax all joints and set a minimum number of joints that u allow yourself to move.
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