Original Post
New version for my Great Ending (suicide :P)
demo settings:

lower shoulders
contract pecs
space x3
grab hands
raise shoulders
extend abs
extend hips
extend ankles
space x6
extend wrists
ungrab hands

PRESS P!!! bloodymess
Re: New version for my Great Ending (suicide :P)
lol, wow that a lot better than the first
> implying I have a signature
Re: New version for my Great Ending (suicide :P)
Im doing it wrong?


Press c

Contract both pecs
Lower both shoulders

Press space x3

Grabby hands
Raise both shoulders
Extend abs
Extend both ankles

Press space x6

Extend both wrists
Ungrab hands

Press space x1

Lower both shoulders
Contract both hips
Contract abs

Press P

Notice of Ukes head "replaces" the decapped head xD

And i like your move