Original Post
Max's not so shitty replay thread
Making a new replay thread , some cnc would be great
p.s I'm a tricker
My last work (pretty old though) :
Attached Files
#max- timed zero.rpl (192.7 KB, 113 views)
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

1st replay: The first flip was cool. It was a bit stiff but cool. The opener to the flip was weird, and you did it twice. The third handstand/flip was pretty stiff. And the pose was weird. Otherwise it was a decent replay. 7/10
2nd replay: Same weird opener, the buttefly was pretty strange but really cool. And then the combo was amazing. The pose was just weird once again... 8/10

Overall: 8/10

Ok, why do you not rate my replays? I commented yours but you never sow up on my page!
new replay , planning to go watch replays of some famous trickers
going to you thread right now hours .
Attached Files
#max- front side 2.rpl (214.3 KB, 55 views)
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

the first part was very stiff and not really very realistic
you got the moves right just need to improve them
Swexxelite:your good at destroying uke
Huggys: thank you
the opener isn't great but it lets me do the front to back flip
heres a urban tracing replay ,but I don't think the last back flip was realistic cause I flew to high and landed no sweat
Attached Files
#max- run away.rpl (389.4 KB, 46 views)
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

Originally Posted by drwille View Post
lol wat is it suppose to bug a bit ? nice tho

could you please rephrase that?
anyway heres one new replay
Attached Files
#max- b-expirements .rpl (277.8 KB, 39 views)
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

bump. could some one please comment
oh yeah new replay need some cnc
Attached Files
#max- castle down.rpl (287.2 KB, 67 views)
TPC Flames

Replays (need CnC)

The opener was totally bad...
The kick locked pretty weak.
Then the first boom, everything got perfected.
The fluid was awesome after that.
Good job.
