Original Post
Antigravity Test
Its fairly simplistic, but I hadn't seen it done yet, and I've been having fun with it about half an hour now, so I figured I'd post it.

Uke and Tori start approximately 20 units up, each with a negative force pulling them downward, with a positive gravity number, to make it so that they arc from top, to the ground safely, and back upward. You should hit the ground at approximately frame 300.

This'd mainly be for singleplayer, as I think multiplayer would be either too unfair, or just flat out not fun, or something like that. But I never was very keen on multiplayer.
Re: Antigravity Test
Originally Posted by MrPoptart
so you start out with force pulling you down and then the gravity slowly pulls you back up....

Aye, because the force negates the gravity, and the gravity is incremental, aka accelerative, I'm trying to tweak it, and then reverse it, but I don't have a way to wait for keyframes to elapse before instituting global changes. I'm trying to tweak it just right so that the gravity won't pull up too high, but the people could still manage to stay on the ground for jump changes.

I'd also like to invert the changes, and try to 'lob' the combatants at one another, but that would just be suo's mid-air joust.