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Just beginning guitar
I've been playing guitar for about 2-3 weeks now, self-teaching and what not. I've been relying on tabs a lot, but I want to push it to the next level. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Other info about me:
My hand is relatively small, about 3.75 in wide (closed hand) with short fingers, so I have a hard time playing chords that stretch across the fretboard.

I've played piano for a significant period of time, but my theory sucks and I'm still getting familiar strings.

I'm playing an acoustic guitar right now, and I eventually want to learn fingerstyle/fingerpicking, but I know that it's going to take a long time with lots of practice.

I'm into anything from classical to rock to modern. I hate metal, but it doesn't matter since they play too fast for me anyways ;).
Learn Chords First then tabs
then then learn a lot of songs
you will end up playing solo's and other sh*t like that
I would suggest that you learn some chords, and then practice those chords with a simple song. Do that until you have learnt all the basics. Proceed to learn the pentatonic scales.
Learn some songs that you like, do some improvisation once in a while. Remember that to play good you have to practice a lot, and do things like they should be done.
Originally Posted by SocKeTe View Post
I would suggest that you learn some chords, and then practice those chords with a simple song. Do that until you have learnt all the basics.

I'm familiar with the basic major and minor chords like C, D, G, Am, etc. However, I have lots of trouble with bar chords and chords that stretch across 4-5 frets. How would you suggest improving those?

Originally Posted by SocKeTe View Post
Proceed to learn the pentatonic scales.


Originally Posted by SocKeTe View Post
Learn some songs that you like, do some improvisation once in a while. Remember that to play good you have to practice a lot, and do things like they should be done.

I find that improvising on the guitar is much more fun (and doable) on the guitar than it is on the piano... maybe I just suck at piano then xD?

Also, I found this video that I thought was pretty interesting:

Practice reading sheet music, and read finger exercises. Carcassi's Opus 40 is great for practicing reading and finger picking.
Originally Posted by Coast2Coast View Post
I'm familiar with the basic major and minor chords like C, D, G, Am, etc. However, I have lots of trouble with bar chords and chords that stretch across 4-5 frets. How would you suggest improving those?

Training. I had the same difficulty the first time I tryed those chords.

Originally Posted by Coast2Coast View Post
I find that improvising on the guitar is much more fun (and doable) on the guitar than it is on the piano... maybe I just suck at piano then xD?

Maybe your impro sounds better on the guitar than on the piano?

Originally Posted by Coast2Coast View Post
Also, I found this video that I thought was pretty interesting:

I think that that guy keeps things too straight. It is absolutelly normal for a person to try to play a hard song and it is absolutelly normal to fail.
Don't be a "guitar elitist" but try to learn the proper basics, knowledge and thecnical skills in order to have a good foundation.
Originally Posted by Morbon View Post
Practice reading sheet music, and read finger exercises. Carcassi's Opus 40 is great for practicing reading and finger picking.

Do you mean this:

Originally Posted by SocKeTe View Post
Training. I had the same difficulty the first time I tryed those chords.

Trying my best ;)

Originally Posted by SocKeTe View Post
I think that that guy keeps things too straight. It is absolutelly normal for a person to try to play a hard song and it is absolutelly normal to fail.
Don't be a "guitar elitist" but try to learn the proper basics, knowledge and thecnical skills in order to have a good foundation.

I'll just focus on chords, barre chords, and several scales then to get started before going further.
Dont just learn how to read tabs and then "shred" the rest of your life. You'll be another talentless fuck who thinks he can play guitar.

Learn a little bit of theory, so you actually know what you're playing, and then learn some songs here and there while practicing various scales/chords.

It's extremely hard to do great improv without actually knowing what to play when in some chord progression.
You can learn cords but they are mad-boring and only good for impressing stupid chicks, or you could play Ska, that's pretty sweet.

Don't use a pick, only use your fingers learn it like a true Spanish master.

Lastly, learn as many scales as you can, and learn how to make simple improvs on all of them.
Master Sign-Writer
Start with Chromatic to train all of your fingers individually and Pentatonic to strengthen your fingers because there are only 5 notes in the blues making you stretch your fingers more, not including chromatic and minor scales.

If you gonna learn some chords learn some minor chords and some diminished. Both used properly sounds nice.