Original Post
Notywq's campaign!

I've actually been campaigning for 2 weeks now

Here's all my stuff:

Written Essay
Josh Savage

Triforce Essay

July 11th, 2008

Triforce Persuasive Essay

I really want to be the Triforce co-leader. I have been in Triforce a month now, and have provided the clan with a server. I will be detailing more reasons in this essay, including my contributions, what I could do as the co-leader, and how I’m qualified for the position.

I have contributed a good amount in my short tenure in Triforce, namely the second official server. I spent a good 75,000 ToriCredits for myself, at first. And then I thought, “The Triforce server is woefully inactive. What if we had a newer, better one?” And thus, I made my server the second official Triforce server. Since then, I have soared through the Triforce ranks, making it all the way to Soulja.

As co-leader, I would eliminate spam in our forums. I am utterly disgusted at the high levels of spam, and our leader is setting a bad example himself (no offense). As co-leader, I will set an example for the clan and eliminate this virus that has infected not only the clan forums, but indeed all of Toribash itself. This brings me to my next point – noobs. Noobs are usually not problematic – just new players trying to learn the ways of the game. But when they go out of their way to defile the forums and servers with meaningless spam, such as Foxbios, that is where I draw the line. I vow to eliminate these problems from our forum, and hopefully in the future, the entire Toribash forum.

That is the end of my persuasive essay. Please vote for me as your new co-leader. You’d be making the correct choice, and assure a brighter future for the clan.

User Title and Sig

In-game Custom Belt

Remember, vote for Noty!

As you all know, I recently Campaigned for the position of Triforce Co-Leader. I must admit, I wasn't as enthusiastic about the position at first, and was only interested in the moderator powers given (reason will be later explained). However, in light of recent events, my view on the matter of leadership has shifted.

When my Organization, the FoG, was recently targeted by goons, I was one of the few who took charge, and was a voice of reason of sorts to my fellow furries. While they were seething with fury, me, along with a few others, helped to calm them, and guide them. As a result, we have been among the most mature members on the forums, by not responding whatsoever to the threats of the goons. Because of all this, I am now co-leader of the organization.

Before all this happened, however, I posted a thread here, suggesting we do the same. I see that we have done an excellent job of this, and I am extremely proud of the clan. Words cannot describe how glad I am that Triforce has managed to keep their cool. But then again, we are one of the most laid back clans in Toribash, so such behavior should be expected of us, no? Nonetheless, I am proud of all of us.

However. If something like this were ever to happen again, whether it be a mass attack, like it is right now, or a simple matter, like FoxBios or McDoobie, there is a need for a second leader, a voice of reason, to deal with this person or group. This is where I personally believe I could excel, because I have first hand experience at dealing with both sides, and I know what works and what doesn't. Not only that, I also believe, if I were given the position, that we, as a clan, could become stronger, and possibly reform into a greater clan than ever before.

In conclusion, I will say this: I have no money to give you. I have no server to let you play in. I can't possibly want this any more than my running mates. I have no magic cure for everything. I am human, like the rest of you. I have made mistakes, and will continue to do so. But I know that this human can, and will, help you all, to the greatest extent of his strength and willpower.

Thank you for your time, and I hope to soon be co-leader.


Belt and Name

Forum Avatar and Signature

I have the most awesome campaign,Vote for me whut

(Note that I have copyrighted 2 campaigns,coz im a smartass.)

Nah jk,sorry guys couldnt help it,you have awesome campaigns.
Last edited by Notywq; Jul 26, 2008 at 04:59 AM.
Some info :[clan] Look : IvoryStripe Click 8th Dan :p [I maek Art :D] -GATA-

Links to satisfy curiosity :
WHAT THE F*** IS THIS S***?!?!?
On 18, 2008 of the year August, we shall have tea. The following day we eat anyone wearing purple clothes. Then we get into tanks, drive a mile away from each other, and start firing random shells into the air. First one to hit the other tank gets a 5 second head start in the 1 legged race.

In the one legged race, you will be hogtied and forced to compete in the Boston marathon using your penis only. We shall also set down bear traps, landmines, barbed wire, and floating thumbs. Your penis will be painted to resemble an illusion that looks like a 3-D steak; as a result, several Dobermen and Rottweilers we will be taking for a walk that morning which have been starved the previous week may attack.