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Blade and Soul
The game consists of four playable races, humanoid species called the Jin, the Gon, an exclusively female race called the Kun, and the Lyn. The game features eight playable classes only the following four have been unveiled; Blade Master, Kung-Fu Master, Force Master and Destroyer.
  • Blade Master - The first of these classes is the Blade Master class, which focuses on combat exclusively through the use of swords.
  • Kung-Fu Master - The Kung-Fu Master focuses on melee combat, punching and kicking.
  • Force Master - Reminiscent of a mage, the Force Master can manipulate charged spells and attacks, and is capable of lifting opponents high into the air and subsequently attacking them with energy projectiles.
  • Destroyer - Capable of both taking and dealing vast amounts of damage, the Destroyer is a slow melee class, carrying big two-handed weapons and is capable of making shields.
Release date
TBA 2011.


MOST anticipated game, ever, for me.
It's pretty hard to find any video with the UI in it or any mention about it but it will be the standard skill bars with certain numbers/letters to use them.
That'ss what i was afraid of. yeah it has alright graphics for an ncsoft game but it is still an ncsoft mmo. Nothing new.


Lmfao I been watching for updates to this game for a while. Not only does all the characters have sexual appealing graphics. But the gameplay seems like it's gonna be good(imo, not sure, seems to have good potential though). According to the developers they have been trying to implement features that other mmos haven't.

On a side note, back this sexual appealing stuff. Kun, exclusively female race, is either immortal or has a different reproduction system then humans. Orrr they might not be humans at all. I'm really kinda curious to find out. That and I believe that is the race that can use the class with flying swords. In which case 95% of male players will choose this race.
Head start began on the 15th and tomorrow the game is approching free release
in the west

if anyone's playing this im Elphelt on the Windrest server
im good at league
i barely ever check this forum anymore, to reach me go to my twitter
I'm playing this on Spirit's Rest server.
no queue's ftw

cool game though, the faction thing is kinda annoying at some points though.
For example I got killed 5 times by the same person camping the checkpoint.
dreamy suicide act
Just started playin this on Old Man Cho, user is TyZi hmu
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up