Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Study] | Power Cross Development
This is something i discovered a few weeks ago by accident. (sort of)

The techniques is described like a punch loading method that when used correctly it will setup and fire off a FAST straight punch.

Out of 25 attempts i gained about 5 successful replays of dms and fracs.
It may not sound great but i think this is something EVERYONE can easily get behind and help take it further.

I discovered this by starting my side check which involves creating a shield against kicks. This shield involves curling and dropping my ungrabbed hand to prevent kicks from reaching my upper torso.

After the kick shield is used i then extended all joints in that curled arm while pulling my opponent in with the other arm. I blasted my opponent in the head with a beautiful cross that dm'd his neck beautifully.
You will also see in this first replay that i fractured my arm in the process which displays the obvious risk in deploying a punch like this.

Side Check to Power Cross

Attached Files
striking - power cross.rpl (49.2 KB, 21 views)
striking - power cross (2).rpl (38.4 KB, 12 views)
striking - power cross (3).rpl (41.5 KB, 9 views)
striking - power cross (4).rpl (49.2 KB, 6 views)
striking - power cross (5).rpl (43.9 KB, 8 views)
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
i have a punch that uses the push pull principle also. my opener has a less drastic leg raise or non at all so i also push off with the leg. i don't think my variation is as fast. Perhaps thats connected to the single leg stance of yours? granted i havn't checked out all the replays yet. just the gif, animation thingy.
that bifurcating one was awesome. the replays i have of us have a few of these punches i think. no dms though. maybe one frac. can the punch be held for another turn or will the positions change too much?
what type of attack were the other guys throwing that got the best result? mostly youtube snapkicks?
does the wrist need to be contracted for power?
does a grab hand result in more dms? years ago monkeyapex showed me that a second turn punch is more likely to dm with a grab hand. im not sure if it was specific to his punch or in general. i suspect the grab hand kind of turns it into a ripping motion.
what are your preferred follow ups?
do you ever get your arm stuck/trapped across your body after the punch?
how much range control do you need? it looked like some of the messier ones were close range punches.
Attached Files
akido powerexvxcv.rpl (32.9 KB, 7 views)
akido punchwerdsfdsf.rpl (35.7 KB, 5 views)
Last edited by monkeyishi; Jan 27, 2017 at 01:18 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Cross punch looks promising. I think we (including me) should be more active on this thread, we should be trying to get new techniques into the game instead of posting the occasional thing, then not responding to anyone else's post.
Originally Posted by monkeyishi View Post
that bifurcating one was awesome. the replays i have of us have a few of these punches i think. no dms though. maybe one frac.

can the punch be held for another turn or will the positions change too much?
I think you can start the punch load at anytime in a fight and fire it at the best possible time so yes

what type of attack were the other guys throwing that got the best result? mostly youtube snapkicks?
Any situation where they leave their centerline exposed which is common after a snapkick

does the wrist need to be contracted for power?
YES i think the process of extending a contracted wrist contributes significant power to the impact of the punch.

does a grab hand result in more dms? years ago monkeyapex showed me that a second turn punch is more likely to dm with a grab hand. im not sure if it was specific to his punch or in general. i suspect the grab hand kind of turns it into a ripping motion.
Not Sure. I hypothesize that because this is a straight punch and not a turning hook style punch that a grip will complicate the impact and thus should remained ungrabbed.

what are your preferred follow ups?
Following a non-dm'ing power cross i have had success with:
grip, snapdown/footsweep
inverting (but i do that with everything)

do you ever get your arm stuck/trapped across your body after the punch?
yes this is the most common result of a "missed" power cross

how much range control do you need?
it looked like some of the messier ones were close range punches.
I'm still working out the range factor as it seems to be the most critical variable in the power cross technique.

moved from old NTD.
Last edited by footlox; Feb 14, 2017 at 03:00 PM.
I removed the back fist from the striking tier and replaced it with the power cross. Cmon lets get some replays people.
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
Just got a new one! Same setup as the others.

I counter a snap kick with my side check and follow with the power cross.

BOOM goodbye arm.

VERY IMPORTANT NOTE: His snapkick actually fractured my chest which means all the power is generated from the arms and the base leg!!!

So when attempting the power cross try relaxing the chest and aiming with the non-punching pec.

Remember the set up for the punching arm must be:

and then let it loose!
Attached Files
striking - power cross (6).rpl (44.2 KB, 11 views)
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists
so found some replays that may fit here.
first one is against a no grabber so that may change it.
it seems it works with out the shoulder down as well. i have a few decaps without the shoulder down.
i think it helps with decaps to have the shoulder down then you get a ripping and a sheering motion going. i'll keep looking and see what else i can find
Attached Files
akido punchwerdsfdsf.rpl (35.7 KB, 8 views)
akido punchwrsdfcdssdfs.rpl (49.2 KB, 5 views)
Originally Posted by monkeyishi View Post
so found some replays that may fit here.
first one is against a no grabber so that may change it.
it seems it works with out the shoulder down as well. i have a few decaps without the shoulder down.
i think it helps with decaps to have the shoulder down then you get a ripping and a sheering motion going. i'll keep looking and see what else i can find

If you're refering to the Uke having the shoulder down then yes thats a strong indicator that theres an opening for a power cross.

The power cross IS a no grab on the punching hand so your first replay was perfect! Your upperbody form was nearly identical while the lower body was reversed.

I also noticed in your replays that many of your base-leg knees and ankles were relaxed or held which tells me they aren't critical to the punching power.

So heres a few conclusions i would make for the power cross
1. Punching power is generated primarily in the upperbody.
-Both pecs contracted
-Both shoulders raised
-Punching elbow & wrist extened
-Gripping elbow contracted
2. The base leg can be on the same or opposite side as the punching hand.
-Hip extended
-Glute contracted
Leader of the Spyder House
Toribash Martial Artists