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Deprived's Debate Thread
Alright, my logical conclusion has persuaded me to make this thread especially for our professional debater, Deprived.

For those clan members who think they're tough enough to debate with or against him, 'tis the place for you.

This is also a place of what the clan is capable of, which is debating.

You can start with a decent topic then you can start debating about it, in either what's happening to our world now, about the forum, people, anything you want.

The only rule I will enforce here though is to prevent blatant spam.

Now. Let the debating begin.
master of the universe
I'm flattered Ard - just came back from the store xd

Anyways I think we had a little "debate" over a certain series of actions that Xenmas committed and over whether or not I'm allowed to judge him based on these actions in context with other ones or if I'm allowed to judge these actions.

As far as I understand, you're against both of these "judgments", I quote:

Yeah, but that discussion in the Omega clan thread was done in the past.

But, you have no right to bring back on what's done.

To which I responded with a compression to history. I think you might have been confused over what I was trying to say in that following post. Here, let me quote it again:

That's a topic I could post one of my huge rants about. History is important, past actions help us judge the person and put context into another's actions. I have every right to bring back a person's actions in order to be able to put them in context -

Using your logic, Germany would have had no moral obligation to help the countries they've destroyed after WWII - or to help the families they've torn apart, simply because the war was in the past and now it was a time of peace.

Let me explain what I feel "history" means - I think this is the root of the confusion. I think that history not only means big events like Germany declaring war on Poland on my birthday (it's true ;p) 1939, but also includes past events that people have done - instead of governments - such as Xenmas' actions on the Omega forums. A synonym for history for me in this case would be simply "past events".

There is, of course, a difference between "small group" and "large group" history. But on an abstract level - the diffrences between the two are quite small, which is how I draw a compression to WWII history from Xenmas' actions. So let me say this again with the compression in a more understandable form:

Xenmas did such and such on the Omega forums four weeks ago. Now let's replace "Xenmas" with "Germany", one can then say "Germany did such and such (in the world) about 8 decades ago". The difference being that Germany's actions had more effect than Xenmas' actions, of course.

But, that would be a bit superficial. Let's add "and it has consequences that Xenmas/Germany was responsible for" at the end; so the sentences in the end look like this;

Xenmas did such and such on the Omega forums four weeks ago and it had consequences that Xenmas was responsible for.

Germany did such and such (in the world) about eight decades ago and it has consequences that Germany was responsible for.

As I'm sure you know, the world responded to Germany and ordered it to give tribute to the families it destroyed and the countries it damaged out of fairness.

Logically, one can now say the same thing with Xenmas' actions - the world (Pandora, Toribash community) responded to Xenmas.

But what I see right now is that you're denying me the right to do the last step - and I'm puzzled to actually why you want to deny me that right. Please, explain, I know your thesis, but I have yet to understand the arguments behind them. I feel it is only logical at this point that I might be able to judge Xenmas based on his past actions (along with other factors) and that I'm also allowed to judge these past actions.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
[egoboost]Deprived once let me have the last post in our debate and I count that as a forfeit! IN THY FACEs :>[/egoboost]

anyways im scared
I has mad finger skills!
Property of [Discount_Death] 2nd Black
You know, for some reason I take offence to being compared with Nazi Germany.
All I did was go into their forums and tell them that I put them on our enemy list and gave a reason for it.
But golly! They took offense to that and edited my post to include retarded childish things. I retaliated in a mature fashion.

Bringing up history won't help you out in this thread. Just look at the facts and documents placed in front of you and leave out the whole Xenmas is Hitler scenario.
No Xenmas I'm not comparing you to Hitler - I do not wish to demonstrate Godwin's law. I'm only using the historical example of WWII to signify the (abstract) importance of history and how it can be logically applied to your situation as well.

I'm not using, for example, the Balkan wars, because nobody has heard of them - while everyone knows of what Germany did in WWII, so it's a better example.

EDIT: By the way, I think the debate has less to do on how you should be judged and more on whether or not I am allowed to judge you.
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
Originally Posted by Deprived View Post
No Xenmas I'm not comparing you to Hitler

Bleh, it was leading up to it. Go ahead and judge me, just don't be surprised when I, in turn, judge you.
Originally Posted by Xenmas View Post
Bleh, it was leading up to it. Go ahead and judge me, just don't be surprised when I, in turn, judge you.

You act as if judging is a bad thing, we do it subconsciously, we use it when we sense things (especially when we see), and only through judging can we hope to even have a remotely interesting conversation as this one.

EDIT: Definition of judging: Adding values to things which didn't have these values before. Just as a reference you know xd
tl;dr: deprived is spergin'
GOD DAMN I want Deprived to come back again.

You would have loved him Fruit, so much debating and over-intellectualizing things.