Original Post

If you don't play Pokémon you should probably just go home.

This thread is not for the damn card game or the show, but for the pure unrefined RPG gaming experience which has traversed Nintendo's handhelds over many thousands of years.

With the recent generations, the games have taken on a large online aspect (although the singleplayer is just as good as ever). Because of this, I thought it would be nice to make a thread here where people can share their 3DS FCs and battle/trade etc., or share their experiences with garbage like getting hit by Sheer Cold three times in a row by that fucking Walrien in Battle Maison.

I'll add a list of peoples FCs to this post if this thread ever gets going.
Mine is 0533-7385-0599

Please trade me a Litwik/Lampent/Chandelure! I have a shiny eevee and a ton of 5IV pokemon here.
Last edited by Fear; Jan 15, 2016 at 06:16 PM.
if anyone has a blue-eyes white dragon they'd be willing to trade, I have a fully digivolved tamagotchi I can offer
Tinerr Moderated Message:
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Last edited by Tinerr; Jan 17, 2016 at 06:00 PM.
Preposterously dank.