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Dragon's Dogma

So... Picture this:
You take: Skyrim, Shadow of Colosus, Monster Hunter, Devil May Cry and a bit of Dark Souls and guess what you get: Dragon's Dogma!

Sadly, it's only on PS3 and Xbox 360 for about 60$. If you don't have one, this isn't for you. Sorry.
"Take up arms, newly Arisen."
Dragon's Dogma (ドラゴンズ ドグマ Doragonzu Doguma) is a recent adventure game published by Capcom and developed by the same team behind Resident Evil 4 and Devil May Cry 4. The game is an open world action adventure, where every decision made will affect gameplay in some way.

Dragon's Dogma was released in 2012 on May 22 in North America, and May 25 in Europe.

Dragon's Dogma allows the player to create their own character, whose gender and appearance can be altered to the player's liking. The player can select one of three Classes for their character.
Fighter - A class focused on attacking. Uses swords and shields for blocking enemy attacks.
Mage - A class focused on magic. Uses staves.
Strider - A class focused on speed. Uses daggers for close combat and bows for ranged attacks
Players will be given three AI controlled teammates called Pawns, who can be issued commands, such as "Go", "Help", and "Come". These characters will assist the player by giving information about enemies, among other things.
Dragon's Dogma offers a new feature to the action game genre: allowing the player to grab onto enemies to allow for a more varied means of attacking. For example, the player can grab onto the legs of a Griffin and then climb up it to attack it's head for more damage.

A huge open world full of monsters will be available for the player to explore and quest within, as well as a large city environment, in which over 200 NPCs who will freely go about their day-to-day lives. These NPCs can be talked to with full voice acting.

Players will supposedly be able to look forward to between 30 and 100 hours, the former being for players who play normally, and the latter for players who wish to play the game to its fullest.

Basic storyline of DD. SPOILERS!

Dragon's Dogma is a game with a unique combat engine. You don't just wack your sword at a dragon's ankles. No. They took the climbing mechanic from Sadow of Colosus and implomented it to DD.

Oh and don't even get me started with the spells and weapon skills. The spells make Skyrim's spells look cheap and rushed.

Here is an example.

Now this is how you fight a dragon with spells, Skyrim.

Okay, mind blown, right?

I'm getting side tracked. Anyway so people compare Skyrim and Dragon's Dogma and see which is better. I preffer DD over TES for these reasons:

Combat system

And the Final Boss

Speaking of the final boss, CAPCOM really put time in their final boss.

I mean, look at the size of him!

Now, I know the information above says only 3 classes, but they are wrong.

There are 9 classes in total. Here they are:

Strider (Basic)
(Hybrid of Strider and Assassin)
Ranger (Advanced versuon of Strider)
Fighter (Basic)
Mystic Knight (Hybrid of Fighter and Mage)
Warrior (Advanced Fighter)
Mage (Basic)
Magick Archer (strider and mage)
Scorcerer (Mage advanced)

Now, they are limited sometimes unlike Skyrim but they do come with awesome abilities. A strider is like spiderman, with abilities like Ensnare which makes you throw strings at your oponent to bring them closer to you. On the other hand, the scorcerer has spells which are designed to take down bosses (see spell videos above)

There is also a Pawn system where you create, customize and edit your pawn for other people to use. They are exactly like you but they can't use hybrid classes.

I will be posting new stuff that has already been made but I havn't the time to write anout

Things to write about:

DLC Add ons

Last edited by Nagato; Jul 9, 2013 at 07:36 AM.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
The world isn't huge, but I still love this game.

Also you max out your vocation way too fast, amount of spells/skills is acceptable, (I am the kind of guy who dl'ed magicexpansions for oblivion (midas magic, etc.) in the very beginning) but gets repetive, especially for mystic knight, too few pure mystic knight combat skills as sky rapture.

Easy to advance too fast in the storyline and fail certain quests, I'm looking at you duchess in distress.

I actually enjoyed escort quests in that game.
Last edited by McDill; Jul 8, 2013 at 09:49 PM.
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
Originally Posted by cocacobra View Post
I just looked into it a little bit more and you may want to include that it's only for consoles and not the PC. I got my hopes up only to be shutdown .

Oh damn.. Same thing here

It looks really good though, perhaps I could find a PC port somewhere :o
Originally Posted by McDill View Post
The world isn't huge, but I still love this game.

Also you max out your vocation way too fast, amount of spells/skills is acceptable, (I am the kind of guy who dl'ed magicexpansions for oblivion (midas magic, etc.) in the very beginning) but gets repetive, especially for mystic knight, too few pure mystic knight combat skills as sky rapture.

Easy to advance too fast in the storyline and fail certain quests, I'm looking at you duchess in distress.

I actually enjoyed escort quests in that game.

The escort quests:

I ended up using 3 wakestones on my quarry because he kept dying on the way to greatwall (Reynard)

I agree with you McDill on how you level vocations extremely fast. I think they did that so you can max out one vocation and try out another so you aren't completely sticking to one vocation. There are also augments worth mentioning. They carry on from your old vocation to your new vocation. Therefore, if you get every augment from a class (let's say warrior), you can still use it on like a mage.

I have no idea what you do / how to get Duchess in Distress. I'm on my third playthrough with that griffin quest on. That griffin is a fucking bitch. It keeps running away from me. Lol.
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
im smoking weed out of a pussy filled with money i like this
Well shit, I really really tried to play this game, i just couldt get into it..
Love the way you can alter the facial structures etc though.
"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
I ended up using 3 wakestones on my quarry because he kept dying on the way to greatwall (Reynard)

Never used wakestones for other than quests (as in required object), can you use it on the escorts too?

Originally Posted by Nagato9757 View Post
I have no idea what you do / how to get Duchess in Distress. I'm on my third playthrough with that griffin quest on. That griffin is a fucking bitch. It keeps running away from me. Lol.

After you've encountered the dragon in that stronghold where he crushes that zealot, do not enter that cavepath below. That will make you fail the quest immediately. Return to Gran Soren and enter the dukes crib (upper castleplace, forgot what it was named). There you should encounter a maid who represents the duchess. She will give you the quest.

But yeah, griffins are assholes.
"Yes, I am, in fact, inferior to McDill"
Anyone got some good Dragons dogma characters or guides?

I am testing a new one I may make if it works.

Starting as a warrior till level 100 then going to assassin. dagger/bow style.

Dragons dogma just got released for PC, its available on steam for a measly 30 usd.

I just started it and all I can say is that I am very glad I stumbled on it and decided to give it a go.

The pros for me are:
-each class has a very different play-style
-magic looks impressive
-tactics in combat is important
-doesn't hold your hand

The cons
-menu, inventory, char sheet are very clunky
-controls are more suited for a gamepad (after all, its a port)

I wouldn't put this as a con but the GFX are outdated, which might be a problem for some people.Ffor me its not a problem, since I can run the game just fine on my 7 year old PC. Btw don't let the min specs fool you, I play this in HD, with most settings at High with a 8500 core 2 duo, 4 GB DDR2 RAM, 4850 ATI with 512 VRAM. So pretty much anyone can play it.
wishful eyes deceive me
I really want dragons dogma on my pc but i have a mac :<
I've been playing DD on my ps3 exclusively for almost 3 hours a week (2 hours farming ur-dragon).
click my sig for a great time (WIP)
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