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I'm back and worse than ever
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Fist of the Pugilist.rpl (117.1 KB, 54 views)
Last edited by peep; Mar 14, 2014 at 09:06 PM.
previously known as Lopsin
meh, the opener was awkward, the wrist movements near the beginning were weird, the DMs were okay, there was not enough movement, and the pose was a litte sloppy. 5/10
pretty rad come back replay, despite simple

core punch was rad0nk, nice one
I just wish you got a decap at the second punch and the third punch did somethin' else

like dm'd the arms or somethin'

but shiiiet, you don't have that much rust to scrape off

the goblin
New replay. I made it in like 20 minutes.
Attached Files
Lopsin - Duke of Death.rpl (162.4 KB, 40 views)
previously known as Lopsin
Opener was kinda generic but you got a nice amount of momentum out of it so idk

Don't like how you hit your head and how it flopped there

You could have gotten at least a core on the back kick

Knee twitched getting the ground dm

Kick was eh

Pose was cool
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
LOPSIN! damn, you gettin good and i gettin bad xD

Duke of Death was purty cool, liked your first kick - but when your head hit uke it looked messy, 2nd kick was nice. pose was sexeh

8/10 would bang