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Out of stock items
How often do items get restocked?

I'm missing marine grip (it's out of stock), and have everything else in the set. It's been annoying me for a while.

Any tips?

And no, it's not in any user owned shops.
Not so often. Just wait patiently.
PS: Oh. The items getting restocked as admin's wish. So, it gains the rarity of items
|Windows Belt 10| |Damned Leader| |Ex-GameKeeper-2010| |RUTori| |Á¸² ÅùÁ|
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Items with no Qi restrictions (includes Marine) will get restocked when Admins feel like it.
And I don't know when will they feel like it. I recommend that you wouldn't bug them about it.
Also, Marine items have been sold a lot, so even though it's sold out in the ToriShop, it's not rare item nor is it expensive.

By "Market board" IceShadow meant the Items board. That can be found under Market (not the tab above).
Click here to get there.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Market forums?
Also, I don't really think it's reasonable to make a 250 tc item rare =/

Don't say that. I managed to sell an orc gradient for 9k and another one for 7k when they were rare. :V

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