Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
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Want to join clan kick?

Then post the following info about yourself.

Highest rank-


Favorite game rules(tk kb judo ect..)-

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Why you chose to tryout for kick-

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What you have to offer clan kick-

if your post does not have all these things in it, it will be ignored.
Last edited by empreamkick; Oct 17, 2007 at 11:01 PM. Reason: Needed editing
dunno how long i played, but its been a while. i got 2nd dan belt and i want to join... on a whim basicaly.
testing asap, tell me when to show up
How Long Playing: about half an year, got full game for about 2 months ago
Belt: green
Why You wanna join Kick: Support and help from others, really wanna be in a clan
Where you want to be tested: Judo Fracture.
How Long Playing:3 months and i got regged like 2 months ago
Belt:black in US and Green in Asia
Why You wanna join Kick:heard kick is recruiting members and i want to be part of something and be in clan matches those are fun
Where you want to be tested:Any judo besides fracture

i were AlbiinoNeekeri but i changed name. meby some kick has played with me