Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[RSO] Rookie Sparrers Organization | Revived!

I'm feeling ambitious, so let's do it the same... but better!

When RSO was originally created, its purpose was to help people that were new to sparring, to serve as a general hub for those who enjoy sparring and intend to further grow.

...and that's still the purpose!

However, it's been quite a while since my poor management skills killed off RSO, and MAS has wedged its way into the sparring world. As such, we'll also be looking for those prominent in Martial Arts Sparring!

No spamming guys, a common rule around here. I like to have fun and goof around too, but keep shitposting to a minimum. At least until the ball is rolling and I get a discord up!

No flaming, which is also a common rule. However, I've got greater emphasis on this nowadays. No negative energy, it's no good for the creative process.

English only on this board.

Want to be a teacher?
Request: Teacher Membership
Languages (Must be fluent in them):
2 Replays of your spars:

Want to learn?
Request: Student Membership
2 Replays of your spars:

Old Words of Wisdom

Alaistier - The ONE AND ONLY. While I was busy fucking up and being a shitty founder, I tossed this org into his hands and he MADE something of it.
I couldn't be more grateful for this guy and I can only hope of being as good a leader as he was in my absence.

Meap- Old friend from back when I was still Tamakuu, by name/Advisor

Frisbee/phydadawg- Another old pal/a Co-leader

SPARTA - Big brother organization, now deceased. Was kinda the ORMO for sparring.

Everyone who participated in RSO when it was first getting on its feet!

Old Video

Old Clan Board, for the memories and memes
"Sparring is an Art, not a competition." ~ SWEXXELITE.

Last edited by Marrez; May 6, 2019 at 05:29 PM.
the goblin