Hmm... I'd like to take a huge tour of Europe and possibly Africa.

I've been in the following countries:

- Portugal
- Spain
- France
- England
- Japan
- Dominican Republic
- Cuba

That's all, I guess... I'm probably missing something... didn't really have a favourite, I enjoyed them all thoroughly.
I've been to

-New Zealand
-South Africa

and later in the year I'm going on a school trip France, Belgium, Netherlands and Turkey.
I've been to:

- Australia
- Canada
- Spain
- Portugal
- UK

And if all goes to plan, a group of friends and I are going on a cruise around France, Italy and Spain at the start of Summer.
I've been to:

Im the first person to say russia?


Im sure theres more, but i can't remember.
T0ribush: I could not get into two worlds even if my life depended on it.
ಠ_ಠ ಥ_ಥ
I've been to:

Tokyo, Japan
Okinawa, Japan (Lived)
Las Vegas, Nevada (Lived)
Denver, Colorado
Somewhere, Virginia (Lived)
Guam (Living)

I'd say that Okinawa was the best out of every place I've ever lived or visited.
Me and my friend are planning to do a Pub Crawl down Scotland and into Wales, and then go to Amsterdam by Paris in our Gap Year.
Other than that, I lived in Canada for a year or so.