Original Post
Swing into Battle
(Gah, I wasn't able to make this completely symmetrical, I apologize, it's Uke is a little bit farther from the bar.)
Anyway, in this mod, you swing on the bars to get to your oponent. Avoid falling into the lava and whatnot.

Here's a decap replay.
Settings are 800 Engage and 200 Height.
Attached Files
SwingintoBattle.tbm (1.2 KB, 139 views)
Swingz.rpl (104.9 KB, 87 views)
I love the replay to!
One note: Make the lava bigger, as you can just do a unsymetrical move and land beside the lava.
Cool mod ^^ Will help me to train a bit.
My first time wasn't that successful, though...

Edit: The second time wasn't very cool, either. Thats why I think you should disqualify everyone who falls off the cube - thing. Make a dojo under the instagib 'floor'.
Attached Files
miserablefailure.rpl (11.7 KB, 20 views)
miserablehalfwin.rpl (88.4 KB, 20 views)
firstwin.rpl (72.7 KB, 23 views)
Last edited by Cries; Oct 28, 2007 at 05:04 PM. Reason: Satan made me do it.
WWOOOO i did it!! it tkes ages and i kindaaaa cheated =P but i got from one end to the other and bak again

heheh heres vid enjoy =D
Attached Files
MT SWINGING OWNZ (takes ages).rpl (341.8 KB, 20 views)
Last edited by MrPoptart; Oct 31, 2007 at 01:52 AM. Reason: double post
I love this mod...So much fun charging at uke!
Attached Files
forcedukedownswing.rpl (52.7 KB, 18 views)
If practice makes perfect,and theres no such thing as perfect,WHY PRACTICE?