Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[L] Applications


App's are Open.
Legion is no longer invite only.

Have good grammer,spelling and activity.
Never disrespect any member's ally's and ever enemy's.
Make a good empression on the clan and my self (or StellarGod).
Post atleast once every two days.
Legion's is a Forum based clan.
Must Be Active on forum's and have atleast 70 post or more.
Your reputation must be good.
Atleast BlackBelt.
Must have looked in the Rules/Regulation's thread and Clan story to learn what we are about!.

Preferred Mods:
Old Clans:
How much do you use Forum:
Why do you want to join?:
What kind of skills do you bring to Legions ?:
Other Qualities:
Invited by Who?:
3 SinglePLayer Replays:

You will be Discussed on this thread if you get accepted you will see a Thread Post "New Member".
Clan member's will welcome you to the clan and we will show you new things.

Please make sure you have read through the Rules and regulation's thread's to be sure you are ready to put applaction in, if your grammer is not the greates you might not be taking seriously.
Be sure to not use any Smily's in applaction if so you will be rejected.

Last edited by Matt_old; Jul 31, 2010 at 03:15 AM.
...................Unibash Teacher...................

Reasion(s) for joining
You spelled reasons(s) wrong!
Sorry for invading... Just corrected you...
k bai I'm really leaving your clan forums now... :P

It's ok Affei,
I was kinda in a rush on this thread i had to go so i tryed to get it running quick.
...................Unibash Teacher...................
1.) Didnt fill out App right.
2.) Applaction is not in a neat way.
3.) Using smilie's does not help you in anyway.
4.) This is only your 1st post as well.

From me i Vote "No"
...................Unibash Teacher...................
Originally Posted by jtj View Post
undead- blindfury -com and nym

Uhh.... what?
I think it will be easier if you put the application questions with it. Because it is confusing me... But the post number stuck out so no.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
orum based clan.

Belt:2nd dan black belt
Previous Clan(s):ak, pain, titanz
Best mod:wushu aikido judo
Special Talent's (If So What):
Reason(s) for joining:i would like to help get to the top of all clans
Real name:sergio daniel gonzalez
Do you know any member's of this clan?:i know you matt :P
Well im not sure.
Your a cool person, I just dont know if your really forum active.
Show me that you are and your vote from me is a Yes.
...................Unibash Teacher...................