Original Post
You're improving, KIU mate.You should totally try doing a landscape sometimes, that would be a good practices and time consuming :P
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
Originally Posted by iNoTo View Post
You're improving, KIU mate.You should totally try doing a landscape sometimes, that would be a good practices and time consuming :P

Landscape is not a bad idea (: what does KIU mean?
Originally Posted by Ezeth View Post
Landscape is not a bad idea (: what does KIU mean?

It means keep it up. Learned that from a GFX forums and I was like okay "What the heck is he saying" afterwards they told me what KIU means. ')
| GATA | Guild Wars 2 | Anime United |
I like it, I would like to see it made into a set! I think that you should make a version with more perfect lines, and make it less impressionist.
"Or maybe we're each other's dads?"