Original Post
language barrier
I am not sure where I should put this kind of thread, so if I put it in wrong board please pardon me and be kind to move it to the appropriate place.

So here is a question to all people who comes from a non-english country / English is not the main language( for example like Japan / Korea etc).

I, myself, fall into that category too. Whenever i met a guy who clearly not from my country try to speak my language, i honestly feel a bit funny hearing a funny way of pronunciation that i never thought before (for obvious reason, i didn't show that feeling to my facial expression nor body expression) but at the same time i feel proud that someone out there troubled himself by learning my language and steel their courage to try it on the field.

So, how about you? how do you feel whenever you meet a foreigner and they tried to speak in your country language?

(I come from Indonesia where the primary language is Indonesian)
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Well, my country is Poland and Polish is one of harder languages, so it sounds bit funny when people try speaking but if someone can communicate at least a bit then big respect for him (as I've mentioned, Polish is hard for some if not most foreigners) However I prefer to speak english with foreigners cause it's muuuch easier. Unless languages are so similiar that they're understandable for both sides. (speaking in diffrent languages but still getting on well)
Last edited by Gruszex; Jan 9, 2017 at 08:16 PM.

"1 tf = win" Onsola 2k16
moved this thread to offtopic, feels like it could potentially fit here better

as for me, I don't really care all too much. If some, let's say, english speaker came to me and tried speaking slovak I would ask him if it would be easier for him to speak in english, since if they really want to find out some info I don't mind making it easier for them
How do i feel whenever i meet a foreigner and they try to speak in my country language?

Well, my best friend doesn't speak very well my country language (portuguese) and neither i speak very well her's too (danish), so i get that feeling almost everyday.

Which is kind of a good thing to experience, i feel happy, because it's a good way to trade knowledge imo; since you may get curious in trying to learn the foreigner language too.

Many european languages are a pain when it comes to pronunciation, try to live in Croatia, Sweden or even Portugal.

But still, it shouldn't be a thing to make fun of and imo, i think that everyone should experience that once.
portuguese isn't particularly hard to learn and while i appreciate the effort i would rather have them just speak english.
oh yeah
I don't really have a feeling at all. For me, people struggling to talk in portuguese are just learning or just play-talking with another language, they (probably) never talked that language before, so errors are pretty common and i'm ok with it(even portuguese being an kinda easy language).
There is an youtuber that try to speak some other languages, and sometimes i think its kinda funny tho.
retired replaymaker | discord: victortb#9592