Original Post
[REL] (a4 mods)high level creative powered dune buggy
I just like making mods, so hear is my new mod.
honestly have no idea how to make mods but you know.... I just made this mod for people to practice on.
Attached Images
kmp.png (155.5 KB, 53 views)
Attached Files
a4_kill_me_please_parkour.tbm (8.9 KB, 16 views)
Last edited by aaaa4; Jun 22, 2016 at 04:44 AM.
Screenshots please ! (stealing Lite's job)

Also, your mods feel more like an acid trip than anything else.. but I somehow like it. A bigger version of the first mod with a full box of trippy colours and somewhat random objects sounds fun. x)

The second one is a decent parkour mod, albeit not offering anything really new and being pretty easy. I do recommend to be careful as not to make objects too thin, though. (That slented roof might be too thin for tori/uke to walk on it)

Also, a couple of objects (noticeably the two cylinders) could be linked better.

Try to work on your mods a little, check the details and see what you could improve, or how you could make it more original ! Cheers mate, and good luck for your future works
ok sorry Lite. Also thank you for your advice DashSora.
Last edited by aaaa4; Jun 22, 2016 at 04:39 AM.