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Tourneys (I know they're down coz of the farmers)
Will tourneys be ever up again? I'm kind of starting to run out of TCs and everyone's kinda 'on low' except for rich people who don't buy anything.
I know I can duel and stuff... Won a few GMTourneys, but that is kinda not enough. I mean, this might lead to people ragequiting Toribash, because there's no way to get money and they can't simply win the GMTourney or else (not talking about myself but still.)
So yeah, will they ever be up again?
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
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° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
OK, it's not that I'm impatient. I'm just wondering
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
º°À¾Ç Â࿸´°ÀË º°º¸µ ¾ ¸¿° ¾Ä°½° ´¾»¶½Ë ±ËÂÌ ½°¿¸Á°½Ë
° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
Once upon a time no instant tourneys were to be found around and 128x128 head texture was worth 20k. Good old times.
There are many ways to earn TC, if you can't do it without instant tourneys around, you're just being lazy.
Must be a stupid question to ask but what are some ways to do it INGAME?
I don't wanna sell my art or something like that. I know I can do some marketing... Any ideas of what to do ingame?
[Gangsters] RuBash
[TABD][Team Australia] RIP[Source]
º°À¾Ç Â࿸´°ÀË º°º¸µ ¾ ¸¿° ¾Ä°½° ´¾»¶½Ë ±ËÂÌ ½°¿¸Á°½Ë
° ÜÕÝï ÔÐÖÕ ÝÕ ÒßØáÐÛ, åãØáÐá~Tarlan
If you want to restrict yourself just to in-game, then duels, gmtourneys, rbtourneys, other tourneys hosted by clans (I've seen some TPC tourneys lately, iirc) and betting servers.
There are also events focused on in-game activities, which can be found in Events subforum, quite a decent way to earn some tc/items if you're good enough.