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Definition of a good clan leader? can you be good leader? you think you could be a good leader?


4.How can you make a mistake as a clan leader?
1. Well be respectful and a good role model for the people in your clan and make sure that everyone is doing what they need to. It's like being a manager at a store, well a good one anyways.

2. I think that I could be a clan leader, but I don't have any reason to be one, I am really active on forums, and I am usually in-game if I am not working, or binge watching a series lol. I have found a great family and I am pretty settled where I am.

3. I think I put why in the 2nd one. There are probably more reasons why I could be but I can't think of any.

4. You can make many mistakes as a clan leader, being irresponsible with the clan, not monitoring it's members, being disrespectful to it's members or other clans, getting yourself banned as a clan leader, ect..
Imo, a good clan leader is someone who can read their clan-mates and adjust accordingly. They should also be able to make decisions on behalf of the clan which benefits their community. You should also weed out toxic people in your clan as one bad member can soil the fun.

The biggest mistakes I've personally made would be doing things without my clan-mates approval. Having too high of a standard (in the application process) is also a problem as applicants should be judged off of their personality and likability. Anyone can buy QI, just saying. I can't emphasize enough, the importance of having approval by the clan to do something before you do it. Don't randomly change stuff and expect everyone to accept it.
Originally Posted by Goat View Post
Imo, a good clan leader is someone who can read their clan-mates and adjust accordingly. They should also be able to make decisions on behalf of the clan which benefits their community. You should also weed out toxic people in your clan as one bad member can soil the fun.

The biggest mistakes I've personally made would be doing things without my clan-mates approval. Having too high of a standard (in the application process) is also a problem as applicants should be judged off of their personality and likability. Anyone can buy QI, just saying. I can't emphasize enough, the importance of having approval by the clan to do something before you do it. Don't randomly change stuff and expect everyone to accept it.

Your answer summarized my thoughts exactly. One thing I'd like to add though is that a good clan leader should know that he isn't above his clans members, he only makes the decisions in the end.
Being a good clan leader isn't something set in stone. First of all establish what kind of community you want, or at least the
aim/purpose of your clan and adjust accordingly. For instance, if you solely want to create a healthy environment be picky in who you allow in.
Also don't be afraid to make decisions for the sake of the clan, even if it may be hard to do so. For example, kicking a clan member who isn't
living up to the standards you set up for the clan.

This is just scratching the surface however, there's much much more that goes into being a good clan leader.

(or be me)
Last edited by Hikou; Apr 4, 2018 at 02:17 AM. can you be good leader?: Be active no matter how cringy. you think you could be a good leader?: For a few days

3.Why?: I'm not active enough

4.How can you make a mistake as a clan leader?: Die for ten years without replacing yourself or make a decision none of your mates like.
Most of this post is going to refer to unofficial clans.
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
how can you be good leader?

Being a good leader takes a lot of things. Primarily, I'd say it takes activity, discipline and dedication.
  1. Activity - Look at, for example, many of the forum inactive clans in Clan Discussion. Most of the time, you'll see that the leader/founder isn't posting much. It's important to realise, especially when your clan is first starting out, that your clan is only going to be as active as you are. In most clans, people aren't going to keep posting on their own, so post yourself until they do. If they're not posting at all, poke them until they do. This also applies ingame - for example, if you're the only guy that can start Clan Wars and you're not active ingame, your members have suddenly just lost an incentive to go ingame, making your clan significantly less active, less appealing and less likely to develop and become official.
  2. Discipline - Speaking from personal experience, discipline is a great thing to have when it comes to clans. For example, recently I had a problematic member that was getting on everyone's nerves. For ages, I'd manage to dance around the topic and allow him to stay in the clan since he was a friend, to the dismay of my clanmates. He's recently been kicked and I can only wish that I'd used discipline earlier to just get rid of people or things that are creating problems. Also applies to getting members to be active, keep reminding them until they start posting on the forums, join your Discord or whatever it may be that they need to do. If they're constantly not pulling their weight, get rid of them.
  3. Dedication - For obvious reasons, you need to be dedicated to your clan. Activity's a huge part in this one, but also, don't give up. Prime example is [AS], they applied 3 or 4 times for official before they were accepted, and their leader was passionate about the clan and never gave up. Another example is (o) Originals, the leaders gave up after things took a turn for the worse and decided to kick everyone. No hard feelings to the leaders of that clan, but it (giving up) basically killed a clan that could have stayed alive, and was doing well. Someone posted above about not doing things without asking the clan, I think this shows what that can do to a clan.
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
do you think you could be a good leader?

I was.
Originally Posted by Sora View Post

I made [a] Adventure and got it to official. I'm not as active in the board as I used to be, so I'm not doing as good a job as leader as I was before.
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
How can you make a mistake as a clan leader?

One of the biggest mistakes people make is recruiting the wrong people. If you're recruiting people who just post "hey" or "i want to war", you're getting the wrong people. If your members are on the forums once a week, you've got the wrong people. Recruit those that you know are decent people, at least.
Last edited by Surge_old2; Apr 4, 2018 at 05:21 AM.
So as a clan leader you need good judgement and endurance and experience only? Or I missed something important?
Originally Posted by Sora View Post
So as a clan leader you need good judgement and endurance and experience only? Or I missed something important?

Experience isn't really necessary. Assuming you have the right traits, you can run a successful clan without having lead one before. can you be good leader? you think you could be a good leader?


4.How can you make a mistake as a clan leader ?

1- well to be simple is being a leader is someone who is responsible that's it

2 pretty sure yes I can be annoying sometime but that doesn't mean the end of the world besides what u see sora -_-

3 its a great rule to have and gives +rep
4- hmm just have good members and u won't get dumped by ur own members