Original Post
Prove your nerdy-ness.
okay, in this thread, I will post a question. when you answer it, you get to ask a question and so on.

Please don't ask what town in fable 1 do you find lady's greys necklace.
none of that jargin. Nerdy questions, but not to nerdy. make an, ultra nerdy thread.

Oh yes, don't say, "oh I don't know, now here is mine yadda yadda yadda".

okay now that we understand each other lets go.

Let's start off with an easy one.

name the first game Mario was in
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
is that even a question?
was in the stores i guess... in some year
<raydark101> "Tortele your avatar is hot!"
<Tortele> "It's a boy..."
Member of Dead and Forgotten

lets kick this up a notch

name games where inputting the konami code causes instant death as opposed to 30 lives

aaaa haa! Gradius!!!!!! PWND! i had to do some reaserch on this tho... ok hmmmm....

wat series is the character 'Lu Bu' in?
Clanless? Join The Chosen Ones User was supported by SAN STUDIOS!
Dynasty Warriors.

Let's avoid questions that can be solved with a single Google, shall we?

How many levels were completable in the original arcade Pac-Man?