Original Post
Best players of all time and why
Just curious to see who some of the best players were

if u name urself ill give u a charlie horse
I can already see where this thread is headed to, and I really don't like where it's headed to, but I'd have to say there is tc... Forget the rest of his name, just always remember him being real good. I don't put much thought into this topic though, but this so what I know. Any time it's talked about the talk never goes well.

I feel it's because the nature of toribash, teoo really good players can beat each other. Due to the nature of how the game works.
Leyz used to be one of the best for sure
Back to 2010-2012 times, he was a god in everything, as in SP and MP
I’ll vote for him
kristis133 and killer3366 were pretty far ahead of everyone else back then, when i was in [Tint], kristis was still a beast during clan league
Last edited by TyZi; Aug 8, 2018 at 12:31 AM.
Originally Posted by Kaneki333 View Post
I'm Brazilian, i'm alredy fucked every day i wake up


tertywerty Moderated Message:
One word posts are not allowed in Off-Topic.
Last edited by tertywerty; Aug 10, 2018 at 08:52 PM.
Originally Posted by TyZi View Post
kristis133 and killer3344 were pretty far ahead of everyone else back then, when i was in [Tint], kristis was still a beast during clan league

lol its killer3366 not 334
TyZi Moderated Message:
i actually knew that idk why my dumb ass put that
Last edited by TyZi; Aug 8, 2018 at 12:30 AM.
Originally Posted by Light View Post

haha hotbox and smurf were banned because they were to good... I call admin abuse lmao.