Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Introduce Yourself
Since there's been a flow of new members I decided to make an introduction thread. Use this to tell us a little about yourselves.

Hi. I'm Deharak. I was accepted to the family a few days ago. I'm 14 and I live in New York. I'm into gaming, graphic arts, and getting into coding. I spend most of my time either with my girlfriend or on Toribash.
Hai, I'm Ethereal, well, Supernal, but fuck you.

I'm 17 and I live in Ontario Canada.
I'm Co-founder of Legend, and founder of 2 other clans.
I love Legend, and the members, and hope to see you guys stay active.
hey Im Jaffa i am veryyyy glad to have been accepted into your family only a few minutes ago

Well, I am 15 years old and live in Nottingham, thats in england btw . i enjoy the simple things in life, as long as it makes me laugh, toribash and you guys do that for me, thats why i love ya . inbetween now and september i am off school so i have plenty more time to be loving you guys and playing too xD.. soo ya

Love Jaffa <3

Hi, I'm WellWasted.

I'm also from Ontario Canada although Toronto to be exact. I'm 17 years old and other than Toribash I enjoy writing, traveling, and tinkering with my computer (and pouring my meager pay check into it). I've enjoyed playing Toribash for two months now and I'm sure I'll enjoy being in Legend.

My real name is Adam and I hope to meet all of the Legend clan members soon.

I'm HebrewHamr, co-leader of the clan, alongside Ethereal and Vigilante.

I'm from Long Island, New York. I'm gonna be 19 on the 19th of July. I play Toribash mostly and I dab a bit in MUGEN. I should have a job at Gamestop soon.

My name is Adam as well. Hope to see you all around.

<suomynona> It might kill you, but, that's the worst it'll do
Hello, my name is BlackBear.
My real name is Joel, and I am from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. I am a huge sports fan, mostly the St.Louis Cardinals of Major League Baseball. I also play videogames alot, and I also play roller hockey and bowling. My brother, Ryan showed me to Toribash (His name ingame is ReaperZRyan, aka Redskins82) and played it for a short while before becoming inactive. Then I came back in June, and joined Legend, were its been epic.
I really hope to stay long.
[17:02] <Homer> anyone up for some tb?
01[17:09] <BlackBear> No.
[17:12] <Homer> >.>
[17:13] <Dafe> TB is what killed Doc Holiday.
hey =) my name is Jabulon, and ive been playing for about half a year plus. i live in norway, and i play toribash quite alot. i sincerely think its one of the best games ever.

what more can i say, uhm, legend is a good clan, and i hope i can contribute for years to come. ill never change either, unless it dies completely.

judo is my main field
My name is Tornix, i recently joined legend and have been playing for about 2-3 months.

I am from Sidney, Montana

I play toribash sometimes dab a bit into my emulators

The sports i do is football and wrestling.

I work at the Extended Care unit in the hospital usually on East or South wing.

I hope to have an epic time in legend.
<------ My name's over there.

So, I'm a co-leader around here, and I've been playing toribash for 2 years in November, though I didn't join the forums until later. I live in New Hampshire, and I'll be 17 in a couple of months.

I guess that's about it.

Oh, and it's Hamr's birthday tomorrow, so you all have to tell him to have a happy one.
<@Phoenix_afk> pro
My name is buyakia or some times ichigo212 my real name is Nate i am 17 I live in Colorado, i am a sports dude that plays video games i am a competative wakeborder and tennis player. I also Do all the winter sports and i am also doing programming and playing Tori i joined Legend just recently and have been treated like a brother xD my best field is Judo but i can do others kinda well. Hope to see you On Toribash i wanna fight ya all xd. (PS i am a black belt in taekwondo in RL) so i say bring it on =]
ima crusin for a bruisn