Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Freelance Bank
Right now, this is Patrick_Unrated talking. I am setting up a clan bank. I think we had one before, but I would like to set it back up again.

To use this system, any one can donate items, or Tc. Just send it to this account I am using. This is not a scam. I am talking to DarkCrypto right now about us setting this up. I will even sticky this and post after this letting you know its me in my Patrick_Unrated name to let you know its me.

Rules: This account will be our holding place for out money and nothing more. All leaders will have the pass to this account. It will be used as a holding place for money and that is it! Leaders are not allowed to post at all with this account or do anything else! If I catch anyone using this account in game I will take this to high authority. I don't care who I see using this, I will make sure something happens. I am serious about this guys.

I am posting with this account so every one can see the name and know who to send their money to. I do not want to see any more than this one post on the records of this account.

Also, please do not send messages to this account, more than likely, they will not be replied to.

Everything must be recorded below. Bank total at current time is how much it has right now. Bank total used is how much we have used in the past. Bank total is how much we used and total at current time combined.

Transactions are found below. Everything MUST be updated every time a transaction is made. You must record who you sent something to, and who has sent money to this account.

I am giving every one till Saturday to post what they want and such. After that, all posts that do not say updated, or I sent something to the account will be deleted. If you guys have a suggestion to make about using the money for, then post in the thread listed below, don't post it here.

Money will be used for clan stuff. Stuff like clan video work, clan photo stuff, clan logo, any thing that involves the whole clan. Not just one person. Maybe even in a clan wars. If you do donate, you will not be able to get your items/tc back. Think closely to whether or not you want to donate. I am sorry, but it can become a hassle if every one donates, then wants their money back. Its a never ending cycle.

If you need some Tc up to 20k, and you want for a texture or something. Go the thread listed at the end of this paragraph. You must bid by every rule listed, and fill out the simple contract.
Here is the thread to make a loan: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...410#post521410

If you have a good idea to use out money on (clan video, clan photo, etc.), then post it here in this thread: http://forum.toribash.com/showthread...423#post521423

For the items, you can buy items from the clan bank, or they will be sold separately in a big sellout later. The list of items below are listed and must be updated when something is sent it. Don't forget to update how many items there are also. The money that you buy an item for, or when it’s sold, will go to the bank itself.

All transactions must be filled out like below. (This includes items) If you find one that is not, edit it immediately. Transactions should be filled out as follows:

Person who donated-Amount donated-date
Reason for money used- Amount used-date

When Items are donated, it needs to be filled out as above. It also must be added to the list. It must be in alphabetical order by joint color. Only the colors have to be in alphabetical order. Insert as follows:

Item Color:
--Item Name
--Item Name

Item Color:
--Item Name

Bank total at current time:88,065.00 T.C.

Bank total money used: 25,000 T.C.

Total amount of T.C.: 103,065.00 T.C.



Items: 8

Items List:


--2x Primary Gradient
--Left Leg Motion Trail



--Left Leg Motion Trail
--Secondary gradient




--Secondary gradient
--Primary Gradient
--Right Leg Motion Trail

If you want to LOAN some money....post here http://forum.toribash.com/showthread.php?t=39994 Don´t be afraid to bump the thread as long as the bank still exists.


P.S. Sorry if some of this came out harsh, but this is a bank, and things must be taken real serious with this more than usual.
Last edited by loje; Dec 20, 2008 at 03:51 PM.
I aprove this message^^ Msn me if you do not believe me.

Pm me leaders to get the pass to the account.

I myself will be donating nearly all my Tc I ever earn to this as well.
Last edited by Patrick_Unrated; Jul 9, 2008 at 04:50 AM.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
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I got a couple k tc left, will donate soon, once I trade some items for tc :P
<smegg> I want you to be gay for me
<smegg> Please
Sweet. Sounds good to me.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
Total Cookies Gained: 1
That thing bout 10k...setting up a poll and such.....lets just make it a loan (duno how to spell xD) so you can loan up to 10k (if you win the poll) then you have to pay back say 100tc a month....or something....untill u payed back 10k...(100tc was a suggestion....depends on how much u loan....if you load 10k then maby pay back 500tc a month...if you can do that....)

ON NOTE: This was just a suggestion...if you dont like it then fine....but I think its a good way to keep the budget....:P

EDIT: donated 5k. (I´ll maby donate more later)
Last edited by loje; Jul 9, 2008 at 05:05 PM.
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I thought about that also, but that could become a hassle. We have to make sure they always payback on the certain time.

If I do it that way, does any one want to be in charge of just loans? All you have to do is make sure the person pays whats due by the certain date. If I can find some one to take this job, then I will set that up.

How I think it should be though, you should have to pay 5-10% of what you loaned every week until your paid off.

If the person loans + 5k, they have to pay at least 5% per week. If they loan out 5k or less, then they have to pay at least 10% per week.

What they can do though is pay the minimum, and if they ever win alot of money or seem to get alot more, or what ever, they can pay a big part of it off right then, or all of it.

Exp of what I mean:

Person A loans 10k.

For 2 weeks, the pay the minimum of 500tc per week.

They still have 9k left with the minimum still being 500tc per week. All of a sudden, they win a small comp or somthing and win 10k tc.

They can do three things:

1. They can continue paying 500tc per week.
2. Pay even more more than the minmum for one week like 5k to make it go faster.
3. They can pay the whole thing off by paying 9k all at once

or even 4. they can give the bank 10k as an added bonus also lol.

To add onto the 10k though, if loaning does come into affect, then I will open the window for people to be able to loan up to 20k. If the loan any more than 10k though, they have a 30% intrest. In other words, 30% of what they loaned is added on to what they have to pay.


Player A loans 20k. Now he has to pay back 5% of that, which is 1k, every week. But not only does he have to pay a total of 20k, he also has to pay the intrest which totals 6k. So he is actually paying back 26k when he was loaned 20k.

Another problem with this though is what if people leave the clan, or even worse... the game? The borrow all the Tc and leave.

Well If they leave the game there is not much we can do except have him give us all that he can to help pay us off. Hopefully it will be enough. Besides, he won't need it. He will be leaving the game.

If they leave the clan and decide not to pay the full amount that was agreed. when it was loaned to him, what we will have to do is get admin help.

We will have to document were he agrees. In the post, he will have to post that he agrees to the terms saying he knows he has to pay this much, and this much per week.

If he does not post that, then he will not be loaned the money. After he has the money, the thread will be closed so he can not edit his post. that way, if he trys to scam us, we have proof to show admins.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
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yea...I can take that job...if you don't mind. I always make documents and I recently...*cough*bought*cough* Microsoft word 2007....So I can make rly nice contracts =D

A question....Should we make a poll every time some1 wants to loan....like asking the members if this guy can b trusted...if they think we should loan him the TC....
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
I think we should instead of filling this thread up with it. I think this thread should only be used for saying, " I donated such and such," and some one saying "Updated."

Thats how I think it should work. Either this or we make a couple threads.

one will be used for asking for loans. (Also to add on to what I said above, I think only 2 people should be allowed to loan money at a time.)

One thread will be used for suggestions on what we should use our money for as a clan.

Neither one will be stickied, but labled Bank Loans and Bank suggestions. The links will be edited to the first page so its easy to find, and that thread will be ok to necro.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
Total Cookies Gained: 1
I think....*another suggestion*

We make a contract that we use for every1....then we make the guy that wanna loan fill the contract whit his name and what he plans to use the T.C for... then I send a copy of the contract to all Freelance leaders and they sign the contract so we know that they have read it...then we post a copy in here....(the complete contract) so the FL members can confirm that it is done.....

something like that....

there was something more I wanted to tell you but I cant remember....(lets c if that comes up again xD)
When I am sad, I stop being sad and be AWESOME instead!
Well, I think the contract is good to keep around. have a refut draft laid out. pretty much every thing you would say, and underline the spots that need to be filled in like this:

I _______ Have decided to make a loan of ______ knowing I will pay (5%/10%) every week. I will end of paying a total of _______. This may include the 30% intrest or not. I will be using the money for ______.

Freelance Leaders:
The leader: ________
Right Hand Man: ______________
Left-Handman: ___________

I, ___________, the bank leader, and the right hand man, allow this person to loan ________ T.C.

Somthing like that, but it should be longer and try to make it prefesional. This way you can post it in the first post. When someone wants to loan money, they fill it out and send a copy to Loje and Tonakai. If they agree to the terms they will sign the spot at the bottom. Right hand is me, left hand man is loje. Bank leader will be me.

If I find that both Loje and Tonakai agree to the terms, I will then print the copy off with both thier signature on it. I will sign in my own handwrtting, so it can't be a fake. It will have all their info on in, it will be saved to my computer, and then I will have the person loaning the money post a picture of it.

The picture will be used as the reference.

The bottom part is what I will fill out in my own handwritting, and no one else should do.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
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