Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
TLL Music Box
Get the nice songs you know and like inside this thread immediately.
I promise to listen to it at least one time ;)

Rules are simple: criticize constructively the song(s) in the post above yours, by commenting and rating it from 0 to 38 10.

Oh here's one:

If it wont embed here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7QU1n...rec_grec_index
Needs some better rifts. But its nice for a heart song. 7.9/10

Might as well pick a random track.....

no work? Here.... http://youtu.be/YpzWp_dOQe0
I actually remember seeing that Junior Senior video posted somewhere when it came out. It is pretty cool. I listen to a lot of stuff, but never really pay attention to the artists and song titles. I don't really have favorite bands, except maybe Tool. Anyway I heard this on the internet radio station I was listening today and looked it up on Youtube for you guys.


I heard it here:
If you have something to play .pls files, you can click that link then click listen.
Ive seen the hands one before, waaaayyyy too much time to figure all that out, which makes it cool lol

<~Fear> fuck, Pv2Caribou is that you?
<~Fear> you look like you suplex fucking rhinos