Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Ok, ravenger made an awesome server commands thread, but its in a secret board so all you clan admins cant see it. So I decided to repost it here for your viewing pleasure.

Rave's command list:

/set = see settings
/reset=reset match
/set ed =engage distance
/set eh= engage height
/set er=engage rotation
/set dt= dismember threshold
/set ft= fracture threshold
/set tf=turn frames
/set mf=match frames
/set dismemberment = obvious
/set fracture = obvious
/set dq = disqualification
/set ds = dojosize
/set mod [Exact mod name] = change the mod
/set desc =server name
/set motd = message when you enter server
/set experience [number of matches] = Belt requirement
/set qj 0=none 1= uke slot in queue 2 first slot in queue etc)
/set gravity x z y = Gravity
/set minbelt [matches] = minimum belt
/set maxbelt [matches] = maximum belt
/set sumo = 0 is every prat of body dq's, 1 is everypart of body except wrists and ankles dq.

Flags = Change the game flags. Here a list of them.
Server Flags:
Flag 1 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 2 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 3 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = yes
Flag 4 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 5 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 6 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 7 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = no, Grip = no
Flag 8 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 9 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 10 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 11 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = yes
Flag 12 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 13 DQ = yes, DM = no, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 14 DQ = no, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = no
un-Flag 15 DQ = yes, DM = yes, Frac = yes, Grip = no
Flag 16 DQ = no, DM = no, Frac = no, Grip = yes

# flag 1 - normal
# flag 6 - instagib / inta-intagib
# flag 12 - instagib
# flag 16 - body_ungrippable
# flag 32 - dq_disable

Now onto other commands:
/status= Get player's IP and ID
/kick [ID] = Kick player (ID is number next to player name after you type /status)
/ban [player's IP] = Ban player
/fban {player'sIP] = KickBan player
/mute [player's name] = Mute's specified player
/unmute [player's name] = Unmute's specified player
/fspec [playername] forces player to spec
/fenter [playername] forces a player to enter queue
/scramble scrambles queue
/nudgeup or nudgedown [playername] puts a player 1 spot higher[or lower] in the queue
/knockout loser gets Force Specced, winner goes to the bottom of the queue
/cp Puts text in the center.
/lockdown locks server down so people can only spec or enter when admin force specs or enters them

that's all i have pre-made correct if wrong/put more commands

-Taken From War_Hero
Last edited by may0naise; Jul 15, 2008 at 04:46 AM.

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well it helps for people who get co leader positions, and its their first time being a server admin.

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What about the welcome message? And "damage"?
Last edited by Canb27; Jul 22, 2008 at 12:58 AM.
------------------------->TEH PARTY PAGE<--------------

welcome message is there, but id like it if u didnt change it, and damage is /set damage =1 is self damage enabled, 0 is self damage disabled

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