Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
absent thread.
If your going to be absent from the clan, for whatever reason please tell us. Just tell us how long you will be gone for, so we dont remove you for being inactive.
Jarmund>{#toribash} Dr-Meanster: finish your sentences before pressing enter.
Re: absent thread.
Well, again, I'm sorry for leaving without saying anything, but classes have been hectic. I will be busy for the next two weeks or so when ap classes are done, so don't expect me to be extremely active. I'll be online when I can. Sorry : (
[22:26] million: someday, we're gonna destroy space-time
[22:26] million: I'd like to be partly responsible
Re: absent thread.
Originally Posted by Umbrafire
Well, again, I'm sorry for leaving without saying anything, but classes have been hectic. I will be busy for the next two weeks or so when ap classes are done, so don't expect me to be extremely active. I'll be online when I can. Sorry : (

No problem at all.

RL, however annoying it may be, is important.
Squad Squad Squad lead?
The standardization of Toribash Squad roles may have gone too far!
leaving in two days to go to england for four weeks. I might tune into the forums and the IRC sometimes, but I won't really be having any access to teh intarwebz. Hope the clan is still fine when I come back! MAKE SURE IT IS!!! :@ :P.
Yarp, safe journeys Chozo, have fun in the UK its a nice place despite what Dean and I may have led you to believe, just bring a canoe a paddle a snorkel flippers and any other underwater breathing apparatus.
[SIGPIC][/SIGPIC] Choo! Choo!