Original Post
my first replay comp :D
yo yo yo and welcome to assassin8r's first replay competition

now this competition will be a BOOM shot comp

ok so your objective will be to do the biggest, and most stylish boom hit you got,you can only hit uke once, i repeat only once i wanna see bloooood

since people cant read : only hit uke onceyou can grab him, but no hitting more than once

donations are welcome.....(hint hint )

ok heres the rules
-no hax (sorry wiirus )
-no stealing replays
-no old replays, only new ones please
-single player only
-DM threshhold must be 100 or over
-mod: classic

I will be the judge, no on else
i will be judging:
style & technique
biggest boom

is two weeks from the 28th, so that means deadline is 11th of february

prizes: (bearing in mind i only have 6,810 tc )
first place: 6k
second place: 4k
third place: 3k

good luck everyone
Last edited by eightah; Feb 6, 2010 at 05:17 PM. Reason: people cant read -.-
Wait, what

deadline increased
also will try and get more tc for bigger prizes
i am in debt
Wait, what
sorry unnamed that is void
i said only hit him once, i even repeated it XD
its good, just edit it from the kick that you do and make it better
good attempt though
Wait, what
anything not on the rules you are allowed to do
well unless i forgot something
Wait, what
ok so i will edit this post with my replay. lol.

EDT: here are my replays lol, i think they is pretty cool. DECAPS!
Attached Files
ArmSplode.rpl (16.5 KB, 9 views)
Flippy extreamedecap.rpl (65.5 KB, 8 views)
Last edited by xXWolverineWepXx; Jan 30, 2010 at 08:03 PM.
[Hunters] Look down retard... [Hunters]
You try to get away, yet you only make it quicker.