View Poll Results: Your opinion on the merge
I love the idea, I'm looking forward to it.
14 Votes / 53.85%
I like the idea but I see some issues with it.
1 Votes / 3.85%
I'm undecided, I see some good and bad aspects.
1 Votes / 3.85%
I don't hate it but it doesn't seem like an overall good idea.
1 Votes / 3.85%
I hate it, it's a terrible idea.
9 Votes / 34.62%
0 Votes / 0%
Voters: 26. You may not vote on this poll
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Original Post
The merge with [Coffee]
-I had around 3 hours of spare time and I thought I'd just add this to our lovely forum while I had nothing else to do-

This is nothing to do with the actual merging, I'd just like to hear all your opinions on the merge, because of the difference in the GMT's it's a little difficult to get a flowing conversation going in IRC, so I thought this way it could still keep the structure of a conversation without the annoyance of people logging in and out constantly.

Any members from [Coffee] are also free to join the conversation.

So yeah, I'd like to know all opinions based on this and I'd like the other members to also see each other's opinions, this way we all know what we think and will make this little merge scenario a little easier to register.


As for my own personal opinion, I like the idea. This way it benefits both clans with new members who all have their own uses, whether that be art, in-game skill, moderation etc.

I personally can't wait to see what the artists of Coffee have to offer, it's always nice to see help others out with their art or even get some more feedback on your own.

Overall, there are more beneficial assets that this merge will bring than non-beneficial one's.


(If you vote on the poll please elaborate on your decision in a comment/post in this thread.)
Last edited by Rainbowz; Nov 13, 2011 at 09:32 AM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Originally Posted by Rageful View Post
My opinions are already known, Noah can account for this. We are one.

Well that was kind of a pointless post then wasn't it...? I clearly stated I wanted to know peoples opinions and keep this in a conversational format.

That post just destroyed both those things... thanks. I don't really care what Noah can account for, I'm not Noah.... Neither are 90% of the other people who view this forum.

Plus you voted for "I hate it, it's a terrible idea" and I already told you to elaborate on what you picked...

From this point onward, please try and leave actual legitimate posts.
Last edited by Rainbowz; Nov 13, 2011 at 12:35 PM.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
My point is not an actual one? I already had a discussion with Noah and Shmev about this and reached my verdict. It's pretty simple that I don't want to complicate this anymore and I'm standing with Noah and Aoc due us apparently being 'picky'. Ask Noah about the conversation, connect the dots and there's your 'actual' point. You should care about what Noah says as he the co leader and is part of this clan. I do and respect his opinions and thoughts.

If Shmev didn't voice what he did then I'd have no problems, however now, as made clear from before, this merge will not work unless the mod situation is worked and everyone is happy. If not, then other members will not support it and neither will I. I stand to support the clan, and that's why I am basing my decision on Shmev's attitude towards the situation. Otherwise, I have no problems.

Also, I'd like it if you didn't try to degrade me based on things you don't know.
Last edited by Rageful; Nov 13, 2011 at 01:20 PM. Reason: Elaborating on my actual point.
Stop trying to act so righteous, any degradation is your own doing due to your own actions and statements.

Also, It doesn't matter what Noah is. His opinion means as much as any other member of the clan, no more, no less.

Also, from what I've seen, Shmevin is handling the situation very well and is being very cooperative. I sat down and watched Shmevin and Math speak and no problems arose whatsoever.

So whatever the crap that you keep hinting towards is, say it... stop acting so childish. If you don't agree with Shmevin then let him now, message him personally.
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~
Well aren't you just the smart cookie trying to justify yourself when you still don't know anything.

Did you get anything from my post? I couldn't care who ends up with mod powas, just as long as everyone is happy in the end. Once again, Shmevin knows that I have a problem with him, I stated that in my previous post, so call me childish but aren't you acting a bit like one trying to argue with me about something you weren't present to? In fact this whole discussion is because you don't know what took place and you should probably educate yourself fully before trying to do whatever the hell you're trying to do because it seemt pretty pointless to me.

I'm done arguing, good Rainbowz. Direct your shit away from me. I stated my opinions on the merge and that's where I'm going to leave it. PM me next time you want to conflict with me, instead of spamming the board because as you implied yourself, that's the mature thing to do (ironically you couldn't do that.)

To the rest of you, please resume discussion, don't let this discourage you from expressing your opinions regarding the matter
Last edited by Rageful; Nov 13, 2011 at 02:36 PM. Reason: I AM SO SMELF RIGHTOUS1!!!1 WAT DO?
I'm actually happy because I have intelligent members. And... I come up with a question right now, Rageful, Aoc, and Noah... If most members say yes to the merger, would you leave the clan? This is the only thing that makes me change my vote to no... You know, I don't want to lose ANYBODY.

My vote is yes because Coffee is the most friendly ally clan, they have a bunch of cool guys, most of them are quite intelligent, and their activity isn't that big, it's... Enough to benefit us. Not to mention that - after the merger offer - they showed how polite they are.
Originally Posted by Rainbowz
Overall, there are more beneficial assets that this merge will bring than non-beneficial one's.

Totally supported, if you stop, and think... You'll see that there's a lot of beneficial things, and the only non-beneficial thing is that Wolf and Noah will have to use a other navigator to moderate.
Last edited by Math; Nov 13, 2011 at 03:32 PM.
Originally Posted by Rainbowz View Post
I don't really care what Noah can account for


Also, I am pretty sure you all know what I think/ I love every member in Coffee that I've met, but the leadership system would be fucked. I am pretty sure I haven't shut up about this topic for the past few days, so you all really don't need this repeat/summarizing. If you really do, then just tell me and I will edit this post.
daddy kill the spider
Allow me to organize everything and present my viewpoint about why this is good.

First, why merge?
This will increase membercount and therefore activity; Both clans, who have so far been through certain moments of inactivity and have few members will be happy.

1. Is it worth the effort?
2. Are both clans' people good/active enough to join in a new single clan?
3. How are we reorganizing leadership?

Solution 1: Yes it is, if we do it with calm and organization the effort won't even be that big, we will just need some time, and we have time.

Solution 2: Yes, the Coffee people even if not active are all cool people. And we can't say that we aren't inactive too, we have people who might not be that interesting for them as well. Let's think about this from both sides.

Solution 3: We get all previous leaders/co-leaders, sit down and discuss who will be the leader of the new clan and who will be the co-leaders. Yes, one or both of the previous leaders will have to step down. But this is not a problem since both already said they'd do it if they had to.

I vote yes, I love the idea and yes, we should do it.

And one last thing... please guys, I hate to see you fighting over something like this, we're just discussing something to make our clan better, no need to take argumentation personally ):
(^@Noah, Rain & Rage)...
Roses are orange, violets are green, I am colorblind and can't rhyme.
When did I become a part of the hateful fighting? D: I'm guilty by association.

daddy kill the spider