Original Post
How to become known on Toribash
This is prob a dumb question but I'm getting good all around in the game and I am looking to become known or popular in the toribash community. I will be staring a twitch and YouTube channel soon too. My videos and streams will both start of at high quality because I have save up a lot of money. But I guess what I'm asking is what is a good way to become know in the toribash community asking everybody that can answer.
How to become known on Toribash
The Tutorial

Step 1 : Don't be a doushbag like Deak because it's funny but no one likes Deak
Step 2 : Be good and what you do and do it good and do it often.
Step 3 (Optional) : Learn how to make amazing replays and make lots of them and then everyone will know who you are.
Step 4 (Optional, in step with Step 3) : Get into default replays
Step 5 (Also Optional) : Become member of staff and be really cool and do lots of favours and have lots of fun.
Step 6(Optional) : Don't be a massive whoremonger
Step 7(Optional) : Don't forget to use cool font in your posts.

You're welcome.

Only Steps 1, 2 are completely necessary. Step 7 is not optional.

Again, You're Welcome.
step 1: suck some cocks
step 2: become volunteer slave staff member
step 4: PROFIT!

i would suggest not to waste time on this and
generally do what you want (or have an idea/
agenda for) and push it.

popularity is questionable thing considering that
playerbase mostly consist of broke 12 y/o
children, but since you probably are one of
them, you can go for it

Originally Posted by Cole30
" My videos and streams will both start of at high
quality because I have save up a lot of money . "

what does high quality mean for you?
how much is a lot of money?
how amount of money you have atm is relative
to stream / yt video quality?

i doubt that you have anything extra besides
your shitty laptop (as most of population here)
but i'm very curious to find out what you have
and if i was wrong
Last edited by snake; Aug 23, 2014 at 01:33 AM.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
If you are actively looking to do things for the community only for the sake of recognition, I believe you are missing the point of contributing to begin with.
[18:04:54] <aracoon> Eureka is a powerhungry fag
[13:13] <Eureka> also dota is kinda for pigfuckers
[13:13] <jalis> ban eureka
[13:13] <jalis> thanks
For all the people who took what I was say seriously thank you I appreciate it, and for the people who are being assholes well.....your an asshole(excuse my language). And yes I notice what I posted sounded like I was an attention seeker but I didnt mean for it to be that way. I mean to contribute to the community and help and entertain people you must be known and embbeded into the community. Thats what I ment. Thanks again. (: