Original Post
[TEX] Magma Beast


I would have put joint textures, but then i would have to use pure force and have a demon coloured overlay for everything. Oh well.

I might put the head on sale, as it is the main thing about it. But for now, it will be my future set :P
Last edited by Pixelate; Apr 9, 2016 at 08:27 PM.
The head looks very cool,overall the set too but it feels to empty... Kind of rushed actually. You may not want it to be too much content but that is not enough, too many empty bodyparts
Originally Posted by Fluxorious View Post
The head looks very cool,overall the set too but it feels to empty... Kind of rushed actually. You may not want it to be too much content but that is not enough, too many empty bodyparts

Yeah, it is kinda empty. I wanted to have an arm that was cracked and had lava coming out of it, although that would involve having a white/pure force. I'll probably do it, tho
I made a few changes to the texture. I instead made it's right arm have more magma showing, as well as changing the trail to be on it's right arm only. The arm, head and neck are all 512x textures, and the small cracked textures are 128x textures.
Originally Posted by cats View Post
the joints don't connect with the textures at all

That wasnt really my intention. I just wanted it to look similar. The body parts would move anyways, so the joints wont line up. I like to do shapes for joints and stuff like that rather than have a connected complex texture.

The cracked joints are just for added detail. They arent really needed.
I suggest adding like cracks on the empty textures (rocks without magma)

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it's quite plain and monotonous as is, might as well shoot for technical correctness

yellow gradient lines with a glow effect shouldn't be too hard to map properly, though i see you got lazy and reused the same texture for the arm

i'd say the lava effect looks decent, but you should put more effort into the rock/demon colored part, something like what spcr said^