Original Post
Want to Join [Ark] look here.....


  • Prefferably black belt or higher
  • Must have some experience on the forums
  • You must be active in game and on forums
  • Must be willing to accept that arkane is not the most active of clans.
  • Clannhopping is not tolerated, if youre thinking of joining then leaving after a few weeks-dont bother
  • Were family in ark, be friendly.

If youre looking to join

post here with the belt you are. And we will look in to your activity and other requirements and then you will be tested in a mode of your choice by one of our elite members on the arkane server number 47. we will decide if you pass if so you will be accepted into the most ub3r clan around!

good luck......

Side note: Please do not join, then leave because we are "too inactive." [ark] is NOT a very active clan. If you want a clan that's active, go somewhere else. ~Hyperviper
Last edited by hyperviper; Feb 27, 2008 at 06:53 PM. Reason: ...meh