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microsoft isn't giving you a choice whether you want to upgrade or not.
would love to hear people's opinions on this, and make it an open discussion.

so microsoft earlier said windows 10 will be free to download the first period of time after it's release. now they're literally forcing us to upgrade. we're given no choice.
no people might say hey it's good to upgrade. so what? i've been on windows 7 for years, and i feel comfortable with it. i also have less than 3gb so nothing on my computer will be saved, because it's going to do a clean install to get that 3gb download avaliable.
so personally, whoever came up with this idea needs to kill himself. but i'd very much like to hear your opinions about it.
Originally Posted by DashSora View Post
I've not been forced to install win10, and a simple google search could have solved all your problems.

a friend of mine didn't get it either. that doesn't mean it doesn't happen.
also, i've visited most of the sites this morning looking around. if only i had the folders they want me to get into in regedit, it could've been cool.
I don't think it's a bad thing. MS is being forced to support a bunch of old OS's. W7 ended mainstream support in January 13, 2015. W8 will end in January 9, 2018. Yes they have extended support until early 2020, but it costs a ridiculous amount, and for what reason? Because people only have 3gb of space on their computer? I mean really...

My advice is to go to an electronic shop, buy a cheap flash drive ($5 for a 64gb, I think you can afford it), dump as much of your files onto it as you can to free up space, then run the update.

You maybe should see a doctor if you think that whoever came up with the idea of updates needs to kill themselves. Practically every modern piece of software has forced updates. Welcome to the 21st century.
CoC has forced updates too lol.

And I wanna quote something I heard when the W10-W7 Debate was more heated a few months back. "Nevermind about extended support or mainstream support [as far as tech support goes] because when has MS ever helped with a technical problem.".

Eitherway at some point we will probably have to move to W10 which is luckily their final OS so no more OS switching but at least it has a desktop mode and new features. Might as well look at the bright side.

And yes I loved W7 too but as a great man once said(idk who at this point) "All good things, must come to an end." along with Shakespear's "It's better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all." and I could probably go on with those but you get my point.


P.S. IMO for now we are still able to use W7 decently. Similar to Blu-Ray - DVD shifts actually.
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If you don't have your machine set to automatically download & install updates then it doesn't force it on you. No need for 3rd party things unless the occasional message appearing on the task bar telling you to get Win 10 is somehow causing emotional distress.

Just make sure to untick the Win 10 upgrade when you do updates since it's classed as a priority update.

Not long until the free upgrade period ends, after that you wont have to worry about it... Not that there's anything worth worrying about.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you