Original Post
Please don't set yourselves on fire
This is the super amazing angelic mesmeric pleasant fantastic beautiful clan moderation handy convenient elegant invaluable useful practical wonderful well-formed grand handbook which is so awesome and perfect.

Moderation (every other topic is covered in the clan discussion stickies)
It is your responsibility to maintain order and keep your board tidy(don't let it turn into a second wibbles). Read these rules if you haven't already. How you do it is up to you. Helps if you're nice when you moderate.

For any unwelcome invades, give them a polite warning. If they continue, you can report them. It helps if you show us where you warned them. For example...
This guy invaded our clan here:
He was given this as a warning:
Here he has continued:

You can send that to a clan mod (see the contacts list below) or use the report button.

If you need assistance, you can talk with any clan mod or ask in the stickies in clan discussion. You may be able to get help faster by contacting the right person, so here are your contacts.

Brey: He's Russian. Do Russian things with this guy.
Delaid: This man is beautiful. He is also responsible for all forum changes, such as setting moderators and creating boards.
Lightningkid: This is the creepy one. So keep your distance. That is all.
Hamr: Knows a lot about clans, used to be the head honcho
Uric: He's kinda like Alan except he has a soft side. Ask this man all your questions. Keep in mind, he usually has a face in his palm.
Fish: Everyone else is a faggot.

Have fun and enjoy your board.